Overall, I just found that JUnit was doing great in the area of unit testing but was lacking in other places required by any kind of functional or acceptance testing.
A recent study by the European Central Bank found that Irish unit Labour costs had risen by a third between 1999 and 2007, the biggest jump in the euro area.
In other words, it's force per unit area.
Because of the tremendous amounts of energy liberated per unit mass in a nuclear detonation, temperatures of several tens of million degrees centigrade develop in the immediate area of the detonation.
In addition, the Shanghai Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau and Pudong New Area are actively pursuing ISO14000 series standard, and the Jinqiao Development Zone, identified as the pilot unit.
另外,上海市环保局和浦东新区也在积极推行ISO 14000系列标准,并将金桥开发区确定为试点单位。
Random Access Memory, an area in the computer system unit that temporarily holds data before and after it is processed.
The number of panicles per unit area was the most important yield components in determining final yield.
In view of this project is the heavy steel structure, picks the double-decked trellis type rigidity support plan to the workshop, the unit area saves about 10% with the steel quantity.
Senior managers in this unit group may specialize in areas such as finance, marketing, human resources or in a particular service area.
Number of positive neurons of unit area refers to the positive neuron counts in each square millimeter.
Sound intensity is the sound wave intensity in sound field, which equals sound energy through the unit area perpendicular to the energy flow direction.
The Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, a unit of Gateway National Recreation Area, is one of the most important urban wildlife refuges in the United States.
The environmental capacity is referred to the maximum value of pollutant accommodated by environmental unit in the designated area, and it is an important environmental resource.
Area is the basic unit of GIS, and the analyzing of area is a very important part of analyzing in GIS.
At this point, the patient can be comfortably transferred into a recliner chair, either in the same area or in another unit (Table 77.5).
The maximum yield of corn kernel and straw crude protein in unit area is critical factor to determine the optimum harvesting maturity stage of corn.
The author deeply studied cooling unit of pyroclastic flow in Luanping area and divided the volcanic rock into 12 cooling units.
The optimized design of pipeline control unit is also proposed, which greatly minimizes the FSM states from 85 down to 23, with improvement in circuit speed and area utilizing.
One Level unit with very grand high ceiling in living area.
Within minutes there were half a dozen police cars in the area plus helicopters and an armed response unit. They caught the burglars red handed.
It may not, in violation of State regulations, refuse to supply electricity to any unit or individual within their service area that has applied for power supply.
Water vapour transmission rate (WVTR) : Mass of water vapour transmitted through a unit area in a unit time under specified conditions of temperature and humidity.
Theme parks have become a growth area with operating profit in the unit growing 22% over the past six months.
For example, the use of TDR may allow for increases in the number of dwelling units per unit area and increases in floor area ratios.
From the three experimental cultivars, under different densities, the branches number and length of branches in unit area increased along with the increase of density.
What is the safety control with a cutting area as a unit is described herein, which can be adopted in the changed timber production.
Miniature evaporator is a compact exchanger with small volume, light weight, and big heat transfer area per unit of volume. It is an important application in the field of cryogenics and refrigeration.
On the other hand, the area of usable forest and the volume of standing timber in one unit area are descending sharply in our country, which aggravates the labor intensify impersonally.
Western-slop is a secondary structure unit of northern Songliao basin, and there are more than 260 wells in this area.
西部斜坡是松辽盆地北部的一个二级构造单元,区内共有探井260 多口。
Western-slop is a secondary structure unit of northern Songliao basin, and there are more than 260 wells in this area.
西部斜坡是松辽盆地北部的一个二级构造单元,区内共有探井260 多口。