Unlike other creatures, humans define the groups to which they belong in abstract terms.
Truly unlike any other bike design out there NONOBJECT designed this bike to stand on its own in terms of design rather than take inspiration from every other bike concept out there.
While men, unlike women, can continue having children into old age, there could be a price to pay in terms of their child's intelligence.
The likes of America and Britain are now perceived as “lucky” because they, unlike Greece, can devalue their currencies and default in real terms.
This turns out to be pretty wasteful in terms of bandwidth as, unlike Twitter, our quotas are quite generous (10,000 requests a day) and not dynamic.
The likes of America and Britain are now perceived as "lucky" because they, unlike Greece, can devalue their currencies and default in real terms.
Such memories never fade, but Hungary, unlike some of its neighbours, is making growing efforts to come to terms with its past.
This is significant, because the terms skilful and unskilful, unlike the terms good and bad, suggest that morality is very much a matter of intelligence.
Unlike the traditional kernel function methods to suppress cross terms, our method not only reduces the interfering cross-terms but also preserves the superb time-frequency concentration of the WVD.
Unlike the traditional kernel function methods to suppress cross terms, our method not only reduces the interfering cross-terms but also preserves the superb time-frequency concentration of the WVD.