Upon entering the building, you get a splendid unobstructed view of Lake Näsijärvi.
The motorist enjoys an unobstructed view of the natural scenery as he drives across the bridge.
The use of the portal beam enables an unobstructed view or access whilst maintaining the structural integrity of the building.
The first floor's living and dining area is a vast and continuous space providing an unobstructed view of the pool and front lawn.
From the latitude of the UK, it will never rise higher than 22 degrees and you will need an unobstructed view to the south to see it.
Conversely, should a seat come bundled with the right to an unobstructed view, it would have been the younger woman offering the bribe.
Ideally you would go somewhere with dark skies, but she said the main thing to look for is a spot that offers a wide, unobstructed view.
As a cascading granite cliff shaped by glaciers into a peninsula, the rock offered both new possibilities and an unobstructed view of the horizon.
The main living and dining spaces face south, framing the view of the desert below in a perfect unobstructed volume.
The various room solutions keep an unobstructed contact between indoors and outdoors, enhanced by big glass sliding doors that provide ample of light to enter and give a clear view out.
The various room solutions keep an unobstructed contact between indoors and outdoors, enhanced by big glass sliding doors that provide ample of light to enter and give a clear view out.