In the New year, you don't change much, until later years... Happy New year!
Not until about ten million years later did species of whales develop specialized kidneys enabling them to drink salt water.
It was not popularized until years later.
Chariots maintained their place in parades and triumphs right up until the end of the Roman Empire 1,500 years later.
But chariots maintained their place in parades and triumphs right up until the end of the Roman Empire 1,500 years later.
However, I did not fully understand the financial impact of my decision until years later.
I had almost forgotten this episode two years later until I was out hunting in the same area.
It is significant that we did not learn the degree of melting until several years later, when the reactor vessel’s radioactivity had decayed sufficiently to open it.
But most of the proceeds were impounded by the IRS until years later.
It's slow so we usually don't notice it until years later.
Your retirement fund needs the years it has until your retirement to build, and when you take it out early, you're costing yourself a huge amount that you'll definitely wish you had later.
Though she did not live in New York until six years later, she had fallen in love with the complexity of city life.
Siegfried was not finished until February 5, 1871, at the end of the Franco-Prussian war—that is fourteen years later, after several interruptions.
The researchers followed 37, 674 males from the time they were first examined for military service at the age of 17, until an average of 17.4 years later, according to the study.
The lost city of Pi-Ramesse became the stuff of legend, until 3,000 years later, its rediscovery opened up one of the most bizarre puzzles in the history of archeology.
Though the Cretaceous asteroid cleared the stage, mammals did not really get going until 10m years later, in the Eocene epoch.
Emilce was taken to two more clandestine jails until several weeks later she was formally declared a prisoner - a sign that she would be allowed to live - and imprisoned for two years.
But it wasn't until four years later (long after she had divorced, changed jobs and remarried) that she talked about the experience with her father.
But we didn't really strike a note together until maybe three or four years later.
It wasn't until 130 years later in 1685 that it's “off centre” meaning was applied to a personality and the first application held a kindly tone of an old codger.
She didn't become a singer until three years later because the company did not consider her beautiful enough.
It wasn't until four years later, aged 13, that I discovered the mystery illness that killed her wasn't a headache but a brain tumour.
It was unified only in 1861, and not until ten years later did Rome take over from Florence as Italy's capital.
It wasn't until a few years into a search for an explanation for AIDS that a team in Paris (and a year later a team in the U.S.) isolated the virus we now know as HIV.
As you can imagine this took some time and it was not until 1969 that the dam was completed and three years later that the crest gates were fitted in order to facilitate full usage.
When he talks about his younger self, he says: “I didn't realise how good-looking I was until about 50 years later.
It wasn't until some years later, they started realizing that plants also have protein as well.
It wasn't until some years later, they started realizing that plants also have protein as well.