Every popular language has modules that make it easy to zip and unzip files quickly.
Unzip the files into a known directory.
Use your favorite unzip utility to unpack the files to your local disk.
Unzip these files to a folder from which you can import them into Application Developer as needed during the development of this project; for example, c: \ temp1.
将这些文件解压到一个文件夹中,如c: \ temp1,以便在此项目开发期间根据需要从此处将其导入到Application Developer中。
Unzip all the files from the package included in the Download section into a directory. You should see something like Figure 10.
Unzip these files into the directory you created in the last section (%HOME%\ss_vnc\profiles).
把这些文件解压到前一小节创建的目录中 (%HOME%\ss_vnc\profiles)。
Unzip the zip file you download. In it will be a number of WAR files.
To deploy the engines, you have to download and unzip the StereoCable engine files into both the agent and server machine directories. It looks like Figure 3.
Once it's downloaded, unzip the files as normal.
If you download the JSR 223 reference implementation, unzip the file and place the script-api.jar, script-js.jar, and js.jar files in your classpath.
如果您已经下载了JSR 223参考实现,解压下载文件并将script - api . jar、script -js . jar和js . jar文件复制到您的类路径下。
Download and unzip the sample files.
Or, you can download the source files from download, unzip it, and open the outside_in.html file in your browser.
或者,也可以从下载部分下载源文件,解压,并在浏览器中打开outside_in . html文件。
Unzip Newer Unzips files based on last-modification time.
Note: if you choose to unzip the files to a different location, you may have to reconfigure the Ant build file and the message flow properties later.
To obtain the DayTrader application, download the wasce10_samples.zip file from the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition product files, then unzip it to a known location.
要获得DayTrader应用程序,请从WebSphereApplicationServerCommunityEdition产品文件下载 wasce10_samples.zip文件,然后将其解压缩到一个已知位置。
To unzip the files, try the Info-ZIP software.
尝试用Info - ZIP软件解开该文件。
Installation is pretty simple: you'll get a zip file that you can unzip to extract the JAR files of ApacheDS.
Unzip the files to a local directory and open the solution using Visual Studio.
将下载的压缩包解压到你的本地目录下,并在Visual Studio中打开解决方案。
Computer Skills: You must know how to download files from Internet, how to unzip, how to make folders, command prompt usage, run programs as administrator etc.
After you've installed ML, you can get updated builds; just unzip them on the SD card (overwrite old files).
There's no software in my computer to unzip compressed files.
If it's a zip archive, you may need to create a temporary directory into which you'd unzip its contents (its files might be unzipped into the current directory otherwise).
If you can not understand what should you do, download all of following files, unzip and install to Trainz.
I can't manage to unzip them... I've tried everything, even concatenating the files.
Press extract to unzip the files.
Press extract to unzip the files.