They set up a stand to sell cooked sausages.
Claude and I went to sell Millet's small pictures and to build up his name as well.
You can sell it to them at a set wholesale price, allowing them to mark it up for retail.
The company believes the products will sell well in the run-up to Christmas.
Unmodernized property can sell for up to 40 percent of its modernized market value.
As a result, some restaurants are turning up the pressure to sell bottled water.
More recently, however, some companies have been investing money in a more ambitious undertaking: learning how to adjust the fundamental make-up of the food they sell.
There were these people on this truck getting you-- trying to sell you audio equipment, and they had a big banner up there.
Perhaps their biggest stroke of luck came early on when they tried to sell their technology to other search engines, but no one met their price, and they built it up on their own.
Indeed many organizations also use institutional or prestige advertising which is designed to build up their reputation rather than to sell particular products.
Google will be able to display up to 20% of orphan works for free, include them in its subscription deals to libraries and sell them to individual buyers under the consumer licence.
She opened a small shop where she sells her bags, and she has also set up a website to sell them online.
Jessica Wong sells her bags in a small shop, but she has also set up an online business to sell them.
We shall have to fix the house up before we can sell it.
But unless basic services are radically improved, the danger is that peasants will sell up and become landless.
Their strategy is essentially unchanged, however: they try to buy undervalued companies, using mostly borrowed money, fix them up and sell them for a fast profit.
The sales and distribution systems at firms like his, set up to sell $100,000 scanners, are ill-suited to sell versions at a tenth of that price.
Softbank's June 4 announcement that it has signed up to sell Apple's (APPL) popular iPhone in Japan might seem like a major coup for the country's third-largest mobile operator.
They hyped up the crowd with TV to sell their political policy.
Please tell me first, if you sell up.
Another reason is that the more clients come in for non-business reasons, the greater the opportunity to fix up meetings to sell them financial services.
You can apply this same easy and straightforward method to many other possible applications, such as customer value estimation, churn prediction, and up- and cross-sell potential.
You can also use them to set up cross-sell associations, where a customer who buys one item sees an AD for another item that is related.
Today, just about any company can set up shop, hire workers, and sell their products wherever there’s an internet connection.
You can offer a bundle of two flavors of syrup at a slightly reduced price to up-sell parents who intend to buy only one flavor when they came to the site.
Sometimes it's a hard sell up front " What do you mean we have to use this framework?"
Sometimes it's a hard sell up front " What do you mean we have to use this framework?"