The spatial analysis of urban built-up area is the basis of urban development trend analysis, and is important for future urban planning.
With the expanding of urban built-up area and the progress of urban redevelopment, residence dismantlement and residents relocation is unavoidable.
Urban fringe is a zone of transition between the built-up area and the countryside. It is the space that belongs to urban area and is located around urban built-up area.
Urban sprawl is more rapid that the urban built-up area increased from 9386 square kilometers in 1985 to 35469 square kilometers in 2007, which equals a 278% of increase.
The results of statistical analysis of related data showed that indigenous plants applied in urban greening were not abundant in urban built-up area of Beijing at present.
We start at the rank-size rule by urban population and the rank-size rule by urban built-up area, and derive a mathematical relationship that the land use size of a city and its population.
Remote sensing images are used to monitor the urban built-up area expansion from 1979-2004. The spatial-temporal patterns of these cities are: during 1979-1989, the expansion rates are all low;
Abstract: Using the data of built-up area at the city level from 1984 to 2014, the paper describes the present status of urban sprawl and analyzes the characteristics and efficiency.
摘要:选取1984 ~ 2014年我国地级以上城市建成区面积的数据,在描述城市扩张现状的基础上分析我国城市规模演变的特征和效率。
The re-development of built-up area in the development zone is an important path for promoting the intensive use of urban space and low-carbon city construction.
The re-development of built-up area in the development zone is an important path for promoting the intensive use of urban space and low-carbon city construction.