Taking use case view as an example, sequence diagrams were built up through the analyzing noun and verb of edit model, designing ob...
And we design real estate transaction subsystem from the use case view, logical view, dynamic view, key class diagrams, deployment view in detail.
Taking use case view as an example, sequence diagrams were built up through the analyzing noun and verb of edit model, designing object and class, and iteration time after t…
Taking use case view as an example, sequence diagrams were built up through the analyzing noun and verb of edit model, designing object and class, and iteration time after time.
Take the same underlying instances and drive the test from the Use Case point of view and you get quite a different picture.
Developers, testers and managers can search this database by use case name and view the related sequence diagrams in a browser.
The static view of the domain level models the class structure and their relationships of the objects witnessed in the use case.
Whereas use cases capture a generalized view of a user and a task, scenarios describe a specific instance of a use case in terms of a concrete workflow.
Enhanced Outline View - the sequence diagram's 'Outline View' shows all the classes and calls in the use case.
Think of a use case as results-oriented from the actor's point of view.
In the case in which you have just one view for the component, you can document the URL for that view and use it to add the component to the palette in the composite application editor.
This benefits the Rational Rose user by establishing a real-time window to modify use case attributes, traceability and view revision history from Rose.
A UML class diagram for those classes participating in the use case on which we are focusing (sometimes called a View of participating classes class diagram.), and.
包括我们所关注的用例中出现的所有类的一个UM L类图(有时也叫做合作类视图),和。
In the swim lane view, as you mouse over each step in the use case, a little bubble pops up showing you the result of the step.
Because a use-case model is defined from a business analyst's view, it provides a level of abstraction that's a useful communication tool for project stakeholders.
Generally, technical people who understand UML and use-case modeling have trouble looking at a use case from the user point of view.
Hence, a different view of a business process is that of a sequence of steps with each step being a use case with a desirable output and behavior.
Use case diagram Provides a behavioral view of system context by displaying actors external to the system who go to the system to achieve a specific, valued result (use case).
An essential use case model, often referred to as a business or abstract use case model, models a technology-independent view of your behavioral requirements.
Consumer processes (see Figure 1) translate comfortably into the traditional view of a use case because they're focused on interactions between actors (end users or external systems) and the system.
A UML class diagram representing the static view of the business use case participants — including business workers and business actors — together with their relationships.
UM l类图表示业务用例参与者—包括业务操作者和业务参与者—以及他们的关系的静态视图。
The Participants class diagram gives a static view of the use case participants.
In this case, the view for the contact details can use this same view model, and simply bind to the CurrentContact property.
The User Interface Screens class diagram represents the static view of the use case participants in terms of the screens that make up the User interaction.
用户接口屏幕(User InterfaceScreens)类图表示了有关构建用户交互窗口的用例参与者的静态视图。
Since all the cases are already present in the model, we can return to this view after we finish with the Search Items case and continue to model the next use case.
Figure 12 shows the integrated view of the business model, requirements, and a business use case UML diagram in Rational Software Architect.
图12显示了Rational Software Architect中的业务模型、需求和业务用例uml关系图的集成视图。
Requirement Properties to view and edit attributes and traceability links to the use case.
Once the use-case requirements are created, they are visible in the use Cases database view.
用例需求创建之后,就可以在Use Cases数据库视图中看到它们。
In the resulting dialog, in the General TAB view, provide a name for the channel (in this case, use SSL.SVRCONN).
在产生的对话框中,General选项卡视图中提供了通道的名称(在这个例子中使用SSL . SVRCONN)。
In case the plug-in Dependencies view does not list your plug-in, you may want to use the ready-made tool in this article for a similar automated search covering all the linked plug-in folders.
如果Plug -inDependencies视图没有显示我们的插件,就可能希望使用本文中介绍这个工具对所有链接插件文件夹进行自动化搜索。