The water from a water-fall needs to be controlled and contained before it can become useful energy.
Energy is a resource that directs or provides the useful energy through the transformation the human needs.
Faeces are food that has been processed by the human digestive system to extract as much useful energy as possible.
Don't forget, no machinery is perfect and will not, therefore, convert all energy presented to it into useful energy for your use.
One way to release useful energy from plant matter is to ferment it into biofuels, as Synthetic Genomics, LS9 and Amyris are trying to do.
释放植物有用能源的一个方式是将其发酵转化为生物燃料,就如SyntheticGenomics,LS 9and Amyris他们正在尝试做的。
Getting useful energy from formate is now the simplest way known for any life form to get its fuel, though it relies on the absence of oxygen.
Dr Kanatzidis argues that wherever heat is generated as part of power generation, thermoelectric devices could help extract more useful energy.
To generate useful energy, plants have evolved very sophisticated "nano-machinery" which operates with light as its energy source and gives a perfect quantum yield of 100%.
In 1867 James Clerk Maxwell, a British researcher, wondered if you could extract useful energy from thin air, in apparent contradiction to the second law of thermodynamics.
1867年,大不列颠研究员JamesClerk Maxwell想知道能否从稀薄的空气里提炼出有用的能量。这明显与热力学第二定律相矛盾。
The building of a real-life version of "Maxwell's demon" – which can turn information into useful energy – might mean that future nanomachines can be powered purely by information.
During a nuclear fission chain reaction, the tubes heat up to extremely high temperatures, and the way to keep them safe turns out to also be the way to extract useful energy from them.
According to the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, about three quarters of energy we use to move things, including ourselves, accomplish no useful work.
According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, about three quarters of the energy we use to move things, including ourselves, accomplishes no useful work.
The energy absorbed by the chlorophyll molecules of the unstable autumn leaf is not immediately channelled into useful products and processes, as it would be in an intact summer leaf.
But that takes energy - and why spend that energy when this "rubbish" can be turned into something useful in its present form?
Your brain will not waste energy on language that it doesn't think is useful!
This is useful, but the actual benefits of those credits to energy installations are not easy to figure, and beyond the scope of what I can write about here.
This paper provides a useful accounting of the renewable energy resources without getting into the workings of a realistic energy systems.
She was 26 years old and eager to make a difference-to find or improve upon a useful source of energy, preferably one that wasn't scarce or fleeting or unpredictable or dirty. The sun was going down.
她26岁,渴望能有所作为- - -能找到或改进一种获得有用能源的方式,这种能源最好是不稀缺、不易失、可预测、无污染的。
The pruning part of biotechnology involves eliminating proclivities that might be useful to a wild organism, but drain its energy and metabolic effort away from the task at hand.
That's why the company spends so much time and energy building new applications that make the Web more useful or fun.
Even if his worst electoral fears are realised, Mr Brown could make useful contributions in these fields, and others such as energy security, in the next 28 months.
When one of the dye molecules is hit by light of sufficient energy, an electron is knocked out of it and absorbed by the titanium dioxide, before being passed out of the cell to do useful work.
He adds: "There is a daunting combination of problems to be solved before this or any other artificial photosynthetic system could actually be useful for energy conversion."
About 80 percent of the fusion energy released is in the form of those neutrons, so the reaction isn't very healthy (or useful) for a starship.
Storing a single profile item is useful, but most data changes over time, particularly when you talk about energy usage.
A pricey sea-going car may prove useful for the onward journey; if you have time and energy try rowing or swimming.
The use of magnetic resonance allows energy to be transferred in useful quantities and almost entirely to the device.
The enterprise of the future will need to devote a lot of time and energy toward integrating the useful information it has.
The enterprise of the future will need to devote a lot of time and energy toward integrating the useful information it has.