This includes views, stored procedures, user-defined functions (UDFs), and triggers.
Triggers and user-defined functions (UDFs) now have enhanced SQL PL support.
They are the new data type ROW and the user-defined functions (UDFs).
Develop and deploy stored procedures, user defined functions (UDFs), routines, and scripts.
This includes statistics for tables, nicknames, indexes, columns, and user-defined functions (UDFs).
The fenced user account is used to run user-defined functions (UDFs) and stored procedures outside of the address (memory) space used by the DB2 UDB engine.
fenced用户帐户用于在DB 2udb引擎使用的地址空间(内存)之外运行用户定义函数(UDF)和存储过程。
HPC Services for Excel 2010 is another new feature helping to process large Excel spreadsheets and multiple User Defined Functions (UDFs) on HPC clusters.
另一项新特性是针对Excel 2010的HPC服务,它会有助于在HPC的集群中处理大型的Excel工作表和多个用户定义功能(udf)。
DB2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB) user-defined functions (UDFs) allow you to extend the built-in functions of DB2 by adding your own function definitions.
DB 2UniversalDatabase (DB 2UDB)用户定义函数(user - defined functions,UDF)允许您添加自己的函数定义,从而扩展db2的内置函数。
Packages, SQL stored procedures, triggers, and user-defined functions (UDFs)--all from within the Data Source Explorer in the Eclipse environment
包、SQL存储过程、触发器和用户定义函数 (UDF) —— 它们都来自Eclipse环境中的DataSourceExplorer
As a Web service consumer, IBM DB2 Web service consumer user-defined functions (UDFs) enables database applications to invoke Web services directly using SQL statements.
作为Web服务的用户,IBMDB 2 Web服务客户的用户定义的功能(udf)启用数据库应用程序来使用SQL声明直接调用Web服务。
Once the DAD files are created, they can either be registered and enabled for shredding or passed into the XML Extender shred user-defined functions (UDFs) at run time.
创建DAD文件之后,可以注册并启用它们,或者在运行时将它们传递给用户定义的XMLExtender 分解函数(UDF)。
Once the DAD files are created, they can either be registered and enabled for shredding or passed into the XML Extender shred user-defined functions (UDFs) at run time.
创建DAD文件之后,可以注册并启用它们,或者在运行时将它们传递给用户定义的XMLExtender 分解函数(UDF)。