The mantra is a familiar one to most seasoned administrators: use good strong passwords, use and enforce a password generation policy, and ensure users change their passwords on a routine basis.
A strict password policy might be put in effect that requires users to select a strong password and change it on a frequent basis.
For the users who will be authenticated using the pass-through server, it would not be possible to use the passwd command to change the user's password.
Ordinary users are most likely to use the password page, because they can use it to change their own passwords.
Also, the scheme enable users to change their password freely and re-register easily.
Users should guarantee the security of one's own account number by oneself, often change the password, and the behavior made to this account number is totally responsible for.
We have also sent emails to all Opera sync users to inform them about the incident and ask them to change the password for their Opera sync accounts.
Today, Sony announced and released OFW 6.39. This firmware is here to help against the recent hack of the PSN, by allowing users to securely change their password.
Click "user management" under "Setup" to add or delete users or change present password.
When users are attempting to log in, change their password, or reset their password, only a certain number of consecutive attempts are allowed within a specified time window.
Password protecting, redirect users automatically, error pages, change file extensions, block certain IP addresses, or allows certain sessions to view certain pages.
Password protecting, redirect users automatically, error pages, change file extensions, block certain IP addresses, or allows certain sessions to view certain pages.