In response, the application would show a list of flights on the cell phone screen, and the user could then pick one of the flights either by speaking or using the stylus.
A study in Sweden and the United States found that people using a cell phone before bedtime take longer to get into deep sleep and spend less time in the deepest part of sleep.
Prosecutors are increasingly using cell-phone records to show that a suspect was near the scene of a crime — or not where he claimed to be.
Radiation levels also change depending on the phone type, the distance to the nearest cell phone tower and the number of people using phones in the same area.
And while the cancer risks are unknown, the risks from using your cell phone while driving are pretty clear.
Until more is known about the possible carcinogenic effects of cell phone use, curb your kids’ cell phone habits by encouraging texting or using a landline instead.
Again, using a cell phone in an area disturbing to others telegraphs a lack of manners, possibly reflecting a poor upbringing, and displaying indifference to the immediate surroundings.
While communicating using your cell phone, try to keep the cell phone away from the body as much as possible.
I’m a Mac and iPhone developer and I’ve just spent the past week using a Google Nexus One as my primary cell phone rather than an iPhone as I have for the past three years.
我是一名Mac和iPhone的开发人员,上周,我花费了一周的时间在学会了使用GooglNexus One,从而使我的个人手机告别了使用了三年的iphone。
Of course, you could cut costs by using the Streak as a cell phone too.
On his way to the police station, Buck took out his cell phone and sent a message to his friends and contacts using the micro-blogging site Twitter.
One night last week, Ryan Cassidy, an 18-year-old recent high school graduate, began playing Xbox at 10:30 p.m., using two-minute breaks within the game to play another game on his cell phone.
Bluejacking means temporarily hijacking another person's cell phone by sending it an anonymous text message using the Bluetooth wireless networking system.
blue jacking (bluetooth +hijacking,蓝牙劫持)指通过蓝牙无线传输网络给别人的手机发送匿名信息,感觉就好像突然把人家的手机劫持了一样。
Using his cell phone he called his wife in California and told her that three men had taken the control of the plane.
Investigators found that not only was the 17-year-old driver using her cell phone, but text messages were also being sent just before the crash.
The Triple A's website offers a parent-teen driving contract that includes agreeing to pull off the road before using a cell phone.
CNET Reviews editor Bonnie Cha tries to get a signal on this jumbo cell phone made using the rapid prototype machine in the Nokia lab.
Have you read the new rules about using cell phone at work?
(against) Using a cell phone while driving is against the traffic rules.
Using reams of phone records, both landline and cell, scientists mapped out social networks across the entire United Kingdom.
If at all possible, refrain from using your cell phone on the elevator.
There is no consensus of opinions among people as to the view of using cell phone.
Unless you're sure your cell phone service is going to be perfect, consider using a landline rather than your cell phone to avoid a dropped call or static on the line.
A mere half second of time lost to task switching can mean the difference between life and death for a driver using a cell phone, Meyer said.
If I change the SIM, it is still using its original cell phone, using a letter to the influential?
If I change the SIM, it is still using its original cell phone, using a letter to the influential?