Green fluorescence was observed in the vacuolar membrane.
Autophagy appears to involve an active participation of the vacuolar membranes.
Autophagy, appears to involve an active participation of the vacuolar membranes.
Meanwhile, it was subclassed into plant vacuolar invertase by phylogenetic relation analysis.
Vacuolar compartmentalization appears to be the source of tolerance of metal_accumulating plants.
Sequence analysis showed the amplified fragment was the TIV1 fragment of the vacuolar invertase gene.
The vacuolar localization of the last class of excretion products, isoprenoids, is based on electron microscopic observations.
This is a Natural basalt stone with a homogeneous structure and some vacuolar porosity with a high feldspar content(around 75%).
Results: Morphological changes of matrine on CNE2 cells: cell shrinkage, cell size reduction and turn round, cytoplasmic vacuolar changes.
Under electron microscopy, microfilament bodies, microrhoptryand vacuolar parasitic organisms at developmental stage were observed in monocytes.
Results the adhesion disturbance lodge and squamous metaplasia of cilia in tracheal epithelium; and vacuolar degeneration in epithelium cells were observed.
Results the adhesion, disturbance, lodge, and squamous metaplasia of cilia in tracheal epithelium; and vacuolar degeneration in epithelium cells were observed.
The macro and micro characteristics of vacuolar corrosion were studied; a failure case of vacuolar corrosion of petroleum pipe of seashore well-drilling rig was discussed.
The skin showed eosinophilic necrosis of epidermal cells, vacuolar degeneration of epidermal basal cells, epidermal cleft, bulla and lymphocytic infiltration of the dermis.
The mitochondria of oocytes and cumulus cells in high and medial dose groups swelling and vacuolar degeneration, but rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (RER) were normal and abundance.
Under electron microscope, vacuolate degeneration of neuronal processes with mitochondria degeneration and accumulation of microtubule near vacuolar nucleus were observed in iron treated rats.
Results There were swelling, vacuolar degeneration and increased density of mitochondria, dissociated ribosomes in the cytoplasm, and dilation of rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi's apparatus.
The cortical opacification in CT-S digital images was linear, cuniform or clustered aggregate shadow configuration. The posterior subcapsular opacification was discal vacuolar or granular appearance.
CT S图像特征:晶状体皮质混浊为线状、楔形或聚集成簇状排列的斑块状阴影,晶状体后囊膜下混浊为成片的空泡状或颗粒状阴影。
The cortical opacification in CT-S digital images was linear, cuniform or clustered aggregate shadow configuration. The posterior subcapsular opacification was discal vacuolar or granular appearance.
CT S图像特征:晶状体皮质混浊为线状、楔形或聚集成簇状排列的斑块状阴影,晶状体后囊膜下混浊为成片的空泡状或颗粒状阴影。