Value-in-exchange may disappoint the seller of the 18-carat-gold watch, assuming it is the same individual described in the above paragraph.
From this analysis came the concepts value in use and value in exchange.
I always viewed it as an exchange: there was some value to my teaching, and in the meantime I learned a great deal from my students, colleagues, and friends.
Rio was "pursuing a range of options, some of which are at an advanced stage" that would help create shareholder value and improve capital structure, it said in a London stock exchange announcement.
In exchange for contact information, offer your customers something of value: a newsletter, a free seminar, or more information about your products and services.
Fiat money has not only no particular value in use, it doesn't even really have a value in exchange except that which is decreed that it would have.
In exchange, however, the mortgage holder will receive some of the equity value of the house at the time it is sold.
The managers of such a fund might also come to blows with the Central Bank, where practice has been to intervene in foreign-exchange markets to prevent wild swings in the value of the currency.
The yuan has increased in value by 18 percent since Beijing ended its fixed exchange rate with the dollar in 2005.
According to its data, the true value of the yuan in real purchasing-power terms is almost exactly double its official exchange rate.
In the end, negotiations settled on a bond exchange that will cut the face value of Greece's debt to private creditors by half.
Using pure text for information exchange is appropriate, for example, in value-pair combinations, such as a URL.
The PRODUCT , in marketing terms, is simply something that has value, satisfies a need or want, and can be offered in exchange for something else.
And a rise in the money stock will necessarily impair the exchange value of money - either by raising prices or by preventing prices from falling.
The exchange rate that leaves a Big Mac costing the same in dollars everywhere is our fair-value yardstick.
The exchange rate that leaves a Big Mac costing the same in dollars everywhere is our fair-value benchmark.
In the case where Cubans exchange homes of equal value in a barter agreement, each side will pay 4% of the value of their home.
The machine induces an electrical circuit in the NFC device, which allows a short exchange of data to effect a transaction, such as deducting a fare from the stored value.
In addition to protecting the value of existing foreign exchange reserves, China should try to stop increasing foreign exchange reserves.
The value of an SDR is defined as the value of a fixed amount of yen, dollars, pounds and euros, expressed in dollars at the current exchange rate.
How many monthly bills are you committed to? Are there any that are truly bringing equal value to your everyday life in exchange for how much you are paying?
Are there any that are truly bringing equal value to your everyday life in exchange for how much you are paying?
Total Transaction Value ("TTV") increased 18% in the quarter primarily due to a 20% growth in the number of room nights and unfavorable exchange rate movements.
In WebSphere Commerce, we model the value exchange facility using a "store", which is an interaction space where business transactions are conducted.
The cumulative decline in stock market value for the eight local banks traded on the New York Stock Exchange has been US$17.9bn since 2004.
The bank reckons that the value of world trade (which is also affected by price and exchange-rate fluctuations) fell slightly in November.
The bank reckons that the value of world trade (which is also affected by price and exchange-rate fluctuations) fell slightly in November.