Bronson Alcott's daughter, Louisa May, wrote, "Vegetable diet and sweet repose."
People who take this fruit and vegetable diet have not come back with cancer, "said the doctors."
Research claims vegetable diet gives you daughters and calcium and magnesium contained diet gives you sons.
You still can't beat the good old starch, fruit and vegetable diet when it comes to good health and an abundance of energy.
There is no disease, bodily or mental, which adoption of vegetable diet and pure water has not infallibly mitigated, wherever the experiment has been fairly tried.
But, the very difficulty of consumption of raw foods, or a high vegetable diet, is probably what makes them often a good choice for someone who wants to lose weight in an affluent society.
Healthy diet includes foods rich in whole grains and fiber, foods with good fats from nuts, vegetable oils and fish, little sugar, and less red meat.
Although nutrients from animals may be of higher quality or more readily absorbed than vegetable sources, it is possible to have a healthy vegetarian diet.
Meatless products, such as tofu dogs, soy burgers, nut loaves or texturized vegetable protein, add variety to your vegetarian diet.
Potatoes: Potatoes are a staple of the American diet - one survey found they account for 30 percent of our overall vegetable consumption.
Here's a surprising way to supercharge any diet — and your health: Chug a glass of low-sodium vegetable juice every day.
Eat a diet low in saturated fats, high in omega-3s and with lots of fruits, vegetable, beans and oats.
Half the mice were fed a vegetable-free diet and half the mice were fed a diet which included broccoli, green beans, corn, peas and carrots.
The report has been cited by people campaigning for a more vegetable-based diet, including Sir Paul McCartney.
Unfortunately they appear largely due to crop failure and severe famine, but they will be forever the central vegetable of most western families daily diet.
Scientists are beginning to study whether high doses of whole-food extracts can replicate the benefits of a vegetable-rich diet.
Don't let season, accessibility, or cost affect your fruit - and vegetable-friendly diet.
While these guidelines do not specify a completely vegetarian diet, they clearly emphasize fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and vegetable fats.
The study only identified a strong association between fruit and vegetable consumption and lung cancer risk, and isn't proof that eating a certain diet can ward off cancer.
To provide optimal levels of protective micronutrients, a diet must be vegetable-based, not grain-based.
Experts suggest finding one vegetable to introduce into your diet if you 'rea vegetable hater.
In my opinion, a healthy diet should consist of mainly meat and some healthy vegetable that does not have a high amount of starch.
In general, a balanced diet, more vegetable food instead of fat food is of the first significance to the health of the aged and a long life.
总而言之,一个平衡的饮食,多吃蔬菜而少吃油腻的食物是对老人来说是保持健康长寿的最重要的因素。 。
The low Income Nutrition and Diet Survey showed that like the rest of the population, the poor's daily fruit and vegetable intake on average is below the recommended five portions.
The low Income Nutrition and Diet Survey showed that like the rest of the population, the poor's daily fruit and vegetable intake on average is below the recommended five portions.