IIC bus protocol analysis on the basis of a detailed description in the text adopted by the IIC module DM642 video decoder chip register configuration, calibration process.
在分析IIC总线协议的基础上,文中详细叙述了DM 642通过IIC模块对视频编解码芯片的寄存器进行配置、校验的流程。
It USES the PCI interface chip SAA7146A special for media processing produced by Philips, and connects simply with video encoder, video decoder, audio encoder and decoder.
Last month, graphics chip maker ATI Technologies Inc. unveiled a processor that incorporates a high-quality video decoder as well as other technology typically found in high-end TVs.
上个月,AT I公司发布了整合高清晰视频解码以及其他高端电视具备的技术指标的处理器。
Last month, graphics chip maker ATI Technologies Inc. unveiled a processor that incorporates a high-quality video decoder as well as other technology typically found in high-end TVs.
上个月,AT I公司发布了整合高清晰视频解码以及其他高端电视具备的技术指标的处理器。