She was dressed in virginal white.
Somehow she'd always been a child in his mind, pure and virginal.
This angelic laser begins slowly the gradual process of transforming the virginal human body to the essence of the soul itself.
The thousand liveried angels—begin to cast their beam on the virgin's outward shape—that's her body, the temple that houses her virginal mind.
Virgins are not virginal as they used to be.
And Julie married Alec, dressed appropriately in virginal white.
Nor is there anything more virginal than the shimmer of young foliage.
The satisfactory degree of virginal type is apparently than belly type group(P<0.01);
The production ratio of the virginal pulp versus paper and board will be reduced to 29.17%.
原浆产量对纸和纸板产量的比值,进一步降低至29 17%。
It is not plausible that the virginal transmission risk is anything like the higher rates you cite.
The virginal bride carried a sheaf of wheat in her hand throughout the ceremony, or wore a garland of wheat in her hair.
Nausicaa, white-armed and virginal, who in body and features resembled the immortals—should I imagine her as Hanna or as Sophie?
France, Paris: a virginal wave of monochrome unfurled on the international runways and after all the white, a change of tone took...
We analyze her virginal play Blasted by the configuration of modern tragedy which reveals the unique objective world in the second chapter.
fanciful, virginal, kindly, safely out of fashion, full of a kind of civic virtue, the embodiment of a certain kind of popular idea of poetry.
She's a poet and she has an impeccable ear, but this fiercely virginal Lady has not up to this point even begun to develop her other sensory realms.
But Lockes educational ideas were scarcely virginal — in fact, when his Thoughts were given to the world, his progressive theories were already stale.
The ancestry of the piano can be traced to the early keyboard instruments of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries --- the spinet, the dulcimer, and the virginal.
This angelic laser begins slowly the gradual process in some kind of extraordinary science-fiction sort of way of transforming the virginal human body to the essence of the soul itself.
This angelic laser begins slowly the gradual process in some kind of extraordinary science-fiction sort of way of transforming the virginal human body to the essence of the soul itself.