After incubation of virus with its antiserum, the antiserum that can inhibit virus binding ability to the cells should contain neutralizing antibody.
Following vaccination, the obese mice had lower antibody levels, including lower levels of neutralizing antibodies, and higher levels of the virus.
Neutralizing antibody against rabies virus was demonstrated in the sera collected from 39 cases of corroborative rabid patients.
Newly published research reveals how one broadly neutralizing HIV antibody actually USES part of the sugary cloak to help bind to the virus.
Objective To find neutralizing antibody candidates against hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection.
Doing the virus regression test while determining rabies virus neutralizing-antibody, the results showed that the actual dose of virus used for challenge was not consistent with the theoretical dose.
Doing the virus regression test while determining rabies virus neutralizing-antibody, the results showed that the actual dose of virus used for challenge was not consistent with the theoretical dose.