Focusing magnetic fields on the visual cortex of the brain caused the subjects to see luminous discs and lines.
"We found that in reading the book task, the visual cortex — the part of the brain that controls reading and language — was activated," Small said.
In natural vision, after an image is formed in the retina it is sent to an area at the back of the brain, called the visual cortex, for processing.
The architecture of the brain is not fixed, and without images to process, the visual cortex can reorganize for new functions.
These imaging studies have been cited by some educators as proof that Braille is essential for blind children's cognitive development, as the visual cortex takes more than 20 percent of the brain.
And now scientists have learned that the area of the brain that processes the echoes is not the region for hearing-it's actually the visual cortex.
In blind people all this brain power would go to waste, but somehow an unsighted person's brain rewires itself to connect auditory regions of the brain to the visual cortex.
Nevertheless, studies that compare the vivid imagery of dreams with daytime vision reveal similar patterns of activity in the visual cortex, the largest brain area devoted to vision.
Another approach is to simulate parts of the human brain instead of the whole - indeed, Bettencourt and his colleagues are working on simulating the human visual cortex.
Researchers using functional brain imagery have confirmed that in such situations the blind person activates not only the parts of the cortex devoted to touch, but parts of the visual cortex as well.
When we fall asleep, the brain undergoes a similar pattern of global activity, as the prefrontal cortex goes quiet and the visual cortex becomes even more active than usual.
For example, the visual cortex of a cat's brain is a better model for humans than the visual cortex from mice is.
"We found that in reading the book task, the visual cortex - the part of the brain that controls reading and language - was activated," Small said.
The visual cortex is the part of the brain that processes sight.
The research team took brain scans and magnetic resonance images to see the damage, finding no evidence of visual activity in the cortex.
Brain slice preparation of visual cortex of developing rats, after LTP was induced, was observed with electron microscopy.
Brain slice preparation of visual cortex of developing rats, after LTP was induced, was observed with electron microscopy.