The material is never fully molten, although there might be a small volume fraction of liquid present during the sintering process.
Grains grow up slowly and are sphericized mainly through elements diffusion with increasing volume fraction of liquid as the increase of the isothermal temperature and holding time.
The results show that with the increase of fiber volume fraction, the unhomogeneous infiltration of liquid metal changes into homogeneous one.
The influences of strain rate, liquid volume fraction and liquid viscosity on the deformation force of semi solid compression of metals between two parallel plates were investigated according to…
结果表明 ,液体粘度对变形力几乎没有影响 ,变形力随轴向应变速率绝对值的增加而增加 ,随液体体积分数的增加而明显减少。
The influences of strain rate, liquid volume fraction and liquid viscosity on the deformation force of semi solid compression of metals between two parallel plates were investigated according to…
结果表明 ,液体粘度对变形力几乎没有影响 ,变形力随轴向应变速率绝对值的增加而增加 ,随液体体积分数的增加而明显减少。