Volume resistivity: leakage of current directly through the material.
The uneven dispersion of CB in foam results in higher volume resistivity.
Glass and ceramics also have high volume resistivity, but poor surface properties at high humidity and often-poor piezoelectric properties.
The utility model relates to an electrode cup in a resistivity tester, which is used for measuring the volume resistivity of a liquid medium.
Resistivity is determined by measuring resistance, then converting to surface or volume resistivity by taking geometric considerations into account.
The influence of JH and JHF on the viscosity and gel time of the resin in RTM as well as the volume resistivity and flexural properties of FRP are studied.
EIS, coating's volume resistivity and coating's appearance feature were integrated for establishing a solvent-free epoxy coating aging comprehensive evaluation method.
The title conductive coatings based on chlorinated polyether resin as binder and mixed with compound conductive graphite, solvents and additives shows its volume resistivity 0.
Factors affecting the accuracy of the measurement of volume resistivity of metallic conductors in the arbitration test are analyzed. Ways of how to make accurate measurements are provided.
This section details how to make surface and volume resistivity measurements with these test fixtures, as well as the Alternating Polarity and Alternating Voltage techniques for measuring resistivity.
Volume and surface resistivity measurements are dependent on several factors.
The relation between the resistivity of conductive adhesive and the volume fraction of silver fillers was studied.
The effect of each phase volume fractions and distribution on the bulk material's electrical resistivity was analyzed and compared.
Plant roots within soil can raise resistivity of soil. Splash erosion volume, penetration depth and breaking down condition are indexes expressing soil resistivity.
Plant roots within soil can raise resistivity of soil. Splash erosion volume, penetration depth and breaking down condition are indexes expressing soil resistivity.