She has probably not even reached the legal voting age of 18.
He has proposed, for example, that the voting age be lowered to 16.
And dogs grow quickly in the first couple of years, with bigger breeds reaching the equivalent of U.S. voting age in toddlerhood, by age two.
The voting age in India is 18. Girls can legally marry at 18 and boys at 21, although the law is often flouted, especially in rural areas.
Similarly, those who were already of voting age when Proposition 13 passed were most likely to answer incorrectly and the youngest correctly.
The legal age for voting is eighteen.
In the next two decades people aged 65 and over will rise from 17% of the voting-age population to 26% (see chart 1).
This country is also one of the few in the world, that allows legal voting beginning from age 16.
In some countries the legal age for voting is 18.
The legal age for voting is eighteen…
Table 1 shows CEO age, the percentage of the CEOs' ownership of equity and stock options outstanding in the firm, and their voting power.
表格1显示了首席执行官(CEO)的年龄,CEO拥有资产的百比以及在公司里突出的股票购置权 还有 …
Table 1 shows CEO age, the percentage of the CEOs' ownership of equity and stock options outstanding in the firm, and their voting power.
表格1显示了首席执行官(CEO)的年龄,CEO拥有资产的百比以及在公司里突出的股票购置权 还有 …