In the exam we were tested on radicals and Wade-Giles.
在考试中我们考试了“ 首部( )和威妥玛拼音”的内容。
But pinyin dealt neatly with all of the sounds of Mandarin with a minimum of tricky typography: even q and x were used (for what had been ch' and hs in Wade-Giles).
但是拼音以最微妙的排印?非常干净利落地处理和汉语中的各种声:就连q和x都派上了用场(用来指威妥玛式拼音法中的ch’ À 和hs)。
But pinyin dealt neatly with all of the sounds of Mandarin with a minimum of tricky typography: even q and x were used (for what had been ch' and hs in Wade-Giles).
但是拼音以最微妙的排印?非常干净利落地处理和汉语中的各种声:就连q和x都派上了用场(用来指威妥玛式拼音法中的ch’ À 和hs)。