Some variation may be explained by tax rates and the cost of real estate, wages and transport.
He would also cut the employer's share of the payroll tax, with larger cuts for those who boost net payrolls or raise wages.
John McCain's tax policies are designed to create jobs, increase wages and allow all Americans — especially those in the hard-pressed middle class — to keep more of what they earn.
At full employment, a cut in the employer contribution to the payroll tax would soon be passed on to workers, as competition drives up wages.
The report, which studied changes in income after accounting for federal tax and inflation, found those in the middle also saw their wages grow slowly in comparison with the better-off.
According to Mr. Randolph, however, some workers do benefit from the American corporate tax: those abroad who earn higher wages from the inflow of capital.
The corporate tax leads to lower returns on capital, lower wages or higher prices - and, most likely, a combination of all three.
But tax cuts benefit mainly large companies, which tend to pay higher wages, not the small, family-owned firms with thinner margins.
The middle class, already burdened by high unemployment and flat or dropping wages, fights ever more furiously against any additional burdens, including tax increases to support public improvements.
Annualize the employee's normal wages and compute tax on this amount.
Taxpayers that receive wages or salaries from two or more payers, or taxpayers without withholding agent, shall file tax returns and pay tax themselves.
This includes salary and wages that are exempt from income tax under specific international agreements in New Zealand.
Pros: Tax credits for employers who hire, increase work hours or raise wages.
Tax and insurance are deducted from your wages.
If too little is deducted from Dad's weekly wages for income tax, it results in an underpayment at the end of the year.
The earned income tax credit (EITC) provides a subsidy to the wages of qualified low-income individuals.
Income tax is usually stopped out of their wages, so they never get the whole amount.
On the other hand, since the tax of goods get higher, manufacturers would deduct the wages of the workers in order to make up for their loss of profits.
If the new law is passed, domestic companies, like their overseas counterparts, will be allowed to list all the wages they pay as costs, instead of pre-tax deductible items.
I pay tax out of my wages every week.
It will cost about 420,000 yuan which includes the cost of raw material, sales, wages expense, cost of insurance and tax.
People would be taxed when they earn wages, but when after-tax money is saved, it would not be subject to further taxation.
I am also proposing a new small business tax credit - one that will go to over one million small businesses who hire new workers or raise wages.
Wages and other related income are taxable at graduated rates and are also subject to withholding tax.
Advocates contend that bringing immigrants' shadow economy into the light will fatten tax rolls, end the abuse of illegal workers, improve wages for all and spur economic growth.
Advocates contend that bringing immigrants' shadow economy into the light will fatten tax rolls, end the abuse of illegal workers, improve wages for all and spur economic growth.