On May 17, 2009, according to the plan, Mike Good and I would take a space walk to the Hubble Space Telescope to repair an instrument.
There will also be more space for all the cars in cities, and the street will have more space for people to walk.
When going upstairs or downstairs, we need to walk on the right, leaving the left space for the people who hurry up.
That is to say, they wouldn't be able to walk on the Moon or work outside the International Space Station.
This is the fifth space walk they had to do on this mission.
Space agencies try to work out all eventualities and possible needs, but one unexpected consequence of space travel was discovered during a space walk by astronaut Dan Barry.
If hundreds of people are walking in a confined space, and some happen to walk in step, they can generate enough lateral momentum to move a footbridge-just a little.
Researchers said the project was part of efforts to prepare for a future in which humans spend extended periods of time in space — and might like a cold beer after a space walk.
China, whose space programme is far more advanced than India's, was the first Asian nation five years ago to put its astronauts into space and last month staged a much publicised space walk.
So half of our space walk is in complete darkness. The helmet lights are essential at the work sight.
The final space walk to fix the Hubble space telescope is underway.
This leaves more open space where people can stand and walk around. The point of this is to create an atmosphere where you can meet new people!
China has already mastered the technology involved in a space walk, the third country to do so.
On most missions one or two astronauts would walk in space, carrying clumpy instruments in huge gloved hands, to tinker with the craft. Their logs were eloquently mundane.
The first Chinese astronaut is likely to walk in space around 4:30 pm on Friday, a day after spacecraft Shenzhou VII lifts off, the commander-in-chief of the mission's ground operation has said.
发射场系统总指挥称,周五下午四点三十分,神七航天员将计划进行中国第一次“太空漫步”。 神舟七号将于25日飞天。
Everyone on the Team: the space should be configured that the team can see each other, without having to get up and walk around.
He performed the first space walk on his mission, but experienced both air leaks and material unexpected stiffening — the latter of which made cramming himself back in the capsule a very near thing.
Our walk took a path into the tilt of the deposits, moving horizontally through space but drilling vertically into time.
Outdoors is best. If weather or obstacles make that impossible, you can walk on a treadmill or find an indoor space.
You can still buy a walk-up ticket if there's space available, though you'll pay a slightly higher fare.
India has announced plans to launch its first manned space mission in 2015 and set a deadline of 2020 for an Indian astronaut to walk on the Moon, foreign media reported.
The last space-walk in the 30-year history of the US shuttle programme has been completed at the International Space Station.
美国长达30年的太空计划中最后一次太空行走在国际空间站完成 。
You can feel what it is like to live in space walk on the ocean floor or ski with polar bears at North Pole.
You can feel what it is like to live in space, walk on the ocean floor or ski with polar bears at North Pole.
That's because most guys walk into a place with a purpose. Unless they're looking for a space to park their binder filled with original Star Trek drawings, they're looking for friends or women.
The USSR completed the first space walk in 1965.
Yes, one of them, Zhai Zhigang will walk in space during the three day mission.
Yes, one of them, Zhai Zhigang will walk in space during the three day mission.