Next, put a little water in the pot.
He was so concentrated on the TV programme that he forgot the cooking and the water in the pot boiled away.
At this time, the water in the pot, I was eager to put the dumplings into the pot, such as dumplings float, mother said: "come and eat, mellow soup."
The pot was sitting in a pool of water.
After boiling a pot of pasta or vegetables, save the water in a container in the fridge for later use.
The mantle's motions, analogous to those in a pot of boiling water, cool the mantle by carrying hot material to the surface and returning cooler material to the depths.
His mother laughed, put some Elder-flowers in the tea-pot, and poured boiling water upon them.
Second, cook the potatoes in a pot filled with water for half an hour.
I'm referring, of course, to the proverbial frog that, placed in a pot of cold water that is gradually heated, never realizes the danger it's in and is boiled alive.
Water in the sand between the two POTS evaporates through the surface of the larger pot, where drier outside air is moving.
Let any particles in the water settle to the bottom of the pot, or filter them through a paper towel or clean cloth.
He was standing by the pit he had dug in the dry sand, with a huge water pot beside it.
Put the dumplings in a pot, cover with water.
Rub the mixture over the copper, using steel wool if the pot is badly tarnished, then rinse in hot water.
Line the base of each pot with some of these fragments - they let water drain out the hole in the base without carrying away the soil.
Combine the lentils, water or stock, onion, garlic cloves and bay leaf in a large soup pot or Dutch oven. Bring to a boil.
Which leaves only the question: If a frog were placed in a pot of tepid water on top of the Great Wall and slowly heated, what would you notice from space?
Melt the chocolate in a very small bowl over a very small pot filled with simmering water.
But the other pot had a crack in it. On the trip, water slowly spilled from the cracked pot. So when it arrived at the house, it was only half full.
And I am literally sitting, in a burnt-orange alcove designed to frame a giant plant pot, because this is the one nook of the pool where I can be up to my chin in the water and also not be in the sun.
Next, place the artichokes in a pot and fill it halfway with water and let it boil on high heat.
For example, hard “boiled” eggs can be made by placing the eggs in a covered pot of water, bringing it to a full boil, then turning off the burner.
Put eggs in a medium-sized pot with enough water to cover the eggs. Bring water to boil, then lower heat to simmer for 3 minutes.
Meanwhile, when the pot of water has come to boil, toss in noodles and cook for 2 minutes if they're fresh or 5 minutes if they're dry.
Early in the morning Grethel was obliged to go out and fill the great pot with water, and hang it over the fire to boil.
In the meantime, bring a pot of water to a boil. Salt the water and blanch the vegetables very briefly, just long enough to take the raw edge off, no more than a minute.
Then warm the pot by pouring in a little boiling water, and then empty it out.
Then warm the pot by pouring in a little boiling water, and then empty it out.