The concept and describe way of pressure flow characteristics of flow control circuit is discussed in this paper. Five typical graphes of the characteristics are given and analyzed.
Standard measurements of blood pressure are an important but crude way of assessing the risk of heart disease or strokes.
The barriers gave way under the pressure of the crowd.
Goods produced by factories were not as finished or elegant as those done by hand, and pride in craftsmanship gave way to the pressure to increase rates of productivity.
The boss just acted as a taskmaster but mostly got in the way with a lot of pressure and asking for time-consuming reports.
Failing to address such questions will result into people slipping back to their usual way of working when the pressure rises.
Many owners of private cars are going to offer 'free rides' to people on their way to work. This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent.
In Europe, where Russia has used supply cut-offs to put pressure on neighbouring Ukraine, discoveries of shale gas in eastern Europe could diversify supply in a useful way.
Cutting is a way some people try to cope with the pain of strong emotions, intense pressure, or upsetting relationship problems.
Ronaldo may sulk if things aren't going his way, Deco is on the verge of retirement, Nani is more of an impact player and Simao usually bottles under pressure.
Even practicing under mild levels of pressure (e.g., your friends and family watching you) can help you get used to the real pressure when it comes your way.
They say flip-flops force people to change the way they walk so that when taking a stride they put pressure on the outside of their foot, rather than their heel, causing long-term damage.
专家说,穿人字拖强行改变了人们走路的方式。 走路时,压力集中到了脚掌外侧,而不是脚跟,这会造成慢性损伤。
The group says one way to ease the pressure on the city would be to cap the numbers of tourists.
So in general, we don't have a simple analytical expression for what the pressure is going to do as a function of mole fraction a ll the way from zero to one.
Everybody is busy all the time because of the pressure of survival in the society, which deprives them of a casual way of life.
The devices direct oncoming air around the trailer in such a way that it increases pressure in the area of the slipstream immediately behind the vehicle.
'Ultimately, they've been forced to get out of the way, because the selling pressure is so high.
And the way to decrease the pressure is to decrease the number of moles in the container.
It would be disappointing if the FTC verged from that point of view and the pressure would be on them to explain why they weren't judging in the same way.
Caused by pressure on that area, they are the body's way of protecting the foot.
Besides, she says, when it comes to prestigious, high-pressure jobs, the world has a way of winnowing out all but the toughest and most ambitious women.
The challenge is doing it under 150 atmospheres of pressure with the tools and lights of a robot mini-submarine that gets its power and instructions by way of a cable.
Short of replacing the entire water main, which is both expensive and disruptive, the only way to cut background leakage below these levels has been to reduce the water pressure.
Which way the partial pressure of the water should go under one bar pressure, room temperature.
Release of the heat of fusion is believed to alter the pressure gradient in such a way as to diminish the destructive winds near the storm center.
By the way, just to return briefly to this topic of osmotic pressure, I just want to emphasize that result didn't need any kind of energy of mixing, either, right?
There is a lot of pressure in society today to look and be a certain way.
Besides she says when it comes to prestigious high-pressure jobs the world has a way of winnowing out all but the toughest and most ambitious women. "I believe that women work harder" she says.
Besides, she says, when it comes to prestigious, high-pressure jobs, the world has a way of winnowing out all but the toughest and most ambitious women. "I believe that women work harder," she says.
Besides, she says, when it comes to prestigious, high-pressure jobs, the world has a way of winnowing out all but the toughest and most ambitious women. "I believe that women work harder," she says.