Whether you have a mother or are one, we ask that you look at the bountiful task of being a mother — nurturing a child, working, raising a family — and keeping yourself healthy!
Only when we have the courage to cross the street and look in one another's eyes can we see there that we are children of the same God and members of the same human family.
Explaining the idea to sell themselves father Carl said: "We are a real family of 4 (with one on the way) who wears your company shirts all day long, taking loads of photos and videos.
We are people of hope, but - of course, for a family who had everything and in one overnight lost everything, it's very difficult to keep hope, keep faith.
The unity of mankind means that we are all one family, even if we come from different countries in the world.
Although you are not one of my family member, but I hope we will be your family.
We are all part of one big family.
And this is what we must pray for. Because god lives in us and makes us godly, we are one another's brothers and sisters - one big family of god's children.
But our each other help, mutual encouragement, mutual understanding, because of we have the common target because of we are one family who are deeply attached to each other.
If one of us were to be offered a career opportunity in a location far from the other's family, are we prepared to move?
In the same piece of sky, we are all one family.
It is the way of life, for We are flowers of one garden, We are leaves of one tree, All the world is one family.
生活应当是这样,因为我们是同一花园的花朵, 我们是同一树上的树叶,人类是一体的?
We are all part of one big family.
Wherever you are from and whoever you are, we all are of one family.
Here we are all part of one big family.
Above the door of this temple, there were inscribed the words: we ARE ALL FROM ONE FAMILY.
Above the door of this temple, there were inscribed the words: we ARE ALL FROM ONE FAMILY.