Josh has his weather-eye open, sir. You'll find him tough…
The worst turbulence is associated with thunderstorms and they are visible to the naked eye or with weather radar which picks up the size of water droplets.
Since I need to keep my eye on the weather, having real-time barometric pressure and elevation is key.
He will have to keep a close eye on the weather and navigate around windy areas.
It means keeping a close eye on the weather and navigating around windy areas.
He has stayed up with his eye on the weather, just as he has stayed up half the night every night preparing and checking our itinerary and route.
The National Weather Service reported winds on the barrier islands were gusting to around 40 MPH as Earl's eye moved closer but remained offshore.
Parents should take seriously their children's requests for sunglasses because eye protection is necessary in sunny weather.
Parents should take seriously their children's requests for sunglasses because eye protection is necessary in sunny weather.
The eye is a region of mostly calm weather found at the center of strong tropical cyclones. The eye of a storm is a roughly circular area and typically 30-65 km in diameter.
“风眼”是强热带气旋中心的一块平静区域,通常呈圆形,直径30- 65千米。
Keep a weather eye on the horizon.
Weather forecaster said the storm has weakened after the aircanvoshower eye came ashore and said it would continue to lose strength during the next day or two.
If current conditions are anything to go by, the Moscow zoo's weather-sniffing bear has hit the bull's eye again.
Keep a weather eye open for any small faults with your car - if they are not repaired immediately they could cost you a lot of money.
He asked his broker to keep a weather eye open for any significant change in the price of gold as he was considering another purchase.
In fact, the under-eye blush was originally designed to look vulnerable and innocent because it gives the impression that you have been crying or outdoors in cold weather.
Time passes very fast, blink of an eye, the Spring Festival is coming, and now the weather has began to turn cold, hard work from many in Shanghai may have started to miss home?
Keep a weather eye open for any small faults with your car - if they're not repaired immediately they could cost you a lot of money later.
Street committees keep a weather eye on the families in their district.
Just wait, captain sparrow. you give it one hour, maybe two, keep a weather eye open and you 'll see white sails on that horizon.
Mrs Brown kept a weather eye on the children so they wouldn't hurt each other.
Mrs Brown kept a weather eye on the children so they wouldn't hurt each other.