The Web service looks up information about any given Web resource in the database.
Web服务可以在数据库中查找关于任何给定 Web资源的信息。
The only problem is that the resource bundles reside in Web applications other than the one in which your widget lives, and, in fact, the Web applications live on different servers.
The Web services resource Framework (WS-Resource) defines a family of specifications for accessing stateful resources using Web services.
Web服务资源框架(WS - Resource)定义了使用Web服务访问有状态资源的一系列规范。
For the bus to act as a Web service requestor, sending Web service messages to providers, it must be configured with a resource adapter.
Web servers can read the preferred locale of a user when that user requests a Web page and, using these resource bundles, can respond appropriately.
When filters were originally introduced in the Servlet 2.3 spec, they could only filter content between the Web client and the specified Web resource the client was accessing.
当过滤器在Servlet 2.3规范中首次引入时,它们只能过滤Web客户机和客户机所访问的指定Web资源之间的内容。
Exactly how a given resource is provided depends on the Web server and Web application layers you use.
给定的资源究竟如何提供决定于所使用的Web服务器层和 Web应用程序层。
From the Web services resource analyzer, you can use the information as inputs to the Web service performance analyzer to determine alternative ways to improve performance.
The Web services resource Framework defines a convention for the use of Web services standards to access and manipulate instances of stateful resources.
At run time, when a user accesses a Web or EJB resource, the container creates the appropriate Web or EJB permission object and invokes the provider's Policy object implies method.
RDF is a metadata system with an XML serialization for the Web, a model for describing collections of formalized statements about a Web resource.
To summarize, REST is simply a specification that indicates a standard approach for a user to invoke operations on a Web resource using HTTP request methods in a Web service style.
A URL pattern is the string that follows the context root of your Web module in order to access a resource contained in your Web application.
The goal of the Semantic Web is to expose the vast information resource of the Web as data that computers can automatically interpret.
语义Web的目标是将大量 Web的信息资源公开为计算机可以自动解释的数据。
WSDM's Management of Web Services specification extends MUWS to define how to specifically manage a resource that is a Web service.
You can use the Mobile Web Services generator wizards to generate the entire Web service bundle for a given resource description.
The Geronimo Web deployment plan allows you to bind your datasource resource reference defined in the Web deployment descriptor to the datasource resource defined in the server.
Portlet definitions, portlet applications, web modules, URL mappings, web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) producers, themes, and skins are all Shared resource types.
The term REST Web services generally refers to a resource-based Web services architecture that USES HTTP and XML.
The Web deployment descriptor (web.xml, shown in Listing 9) maps GreetingService as a servlet-based Web resource.
Web部署描述符(web.xml,如清单9 所示)将GreetingService 映射为一个基于 servlet 的 Web资源。
As a resource, the World Wide Web (Web) contains huge amounts of information.
The name is a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), which the Web services provider USES to make the Web service available as an endpoint.
The web-resource-name element contains a name of the web resource.
web - resource - name元素包含web资源的名称。
The Web Services Resource Framework (WS-Resource -- see Resources) defines a family of specifications for accessing stateful resources using Web services.
Web服务资源框架(WS-Resource,请参阅参考资料)定义了使用 Web 服务访问有状态资源的一系列规范。
Web information resource is important basis of providing web information service in libraries.
Frondose cultivation methods should root in school resource - using, curricula - setting, teacher's web information literacy - enhancing and academician web information l...
Nowadays with the rapid development and popularization of the Internet, web forums have become an important data resource on the web.
Nowadays with the rapid development and popularization of the Internet, web forums have become an important data resource on the web.