This gives a web site web presence.
Like most Web sites, the Web site shown in Figure 12 asks customers for feedback via a link in its footer.
Elsewhere, engineers burn the midnight oil making sure that a shoe AD follows a consumer from Web site to Web site until the person finally cracks and buys some new kicks.
The Web is an interactive hypermedia communications medium that your Web site should reflect.
HTML being the language of the Web also makes it the most portable format for a Web site: just drop the XHTML pages on your own Web server or upload them to your Web service provider.
Over a thousand Web applications are listed on Apple's Web site.
The Web is an interactive hypermedia communications medium thatyour Web site should reflect.
Web sites ranging from 50 to 500 pages are best served by Web site indexes, although a Web site can have as few as 20 or 25 pages and still benefit from an index.
拥有50到500网页的网站使用网络索引是最好的,尽管一个网站只有20- 25个网页,仍然需要编制索引。
What size of Web site benefits most from a Web index?
This article describes a simple system that lets users of your Web site build their own Web pages.
Learn the difference between a Web site and a Web app and how the two concepts are largely distinct and different.
Automated testing for Web applications means bypassing the Web browser and working with the Web site through your program.
With a Semantic Web approach, your Web site is the structured data.
借助语义Web方法,您的 Web站点拥有了结构化数据。
A Web services portal is a Web site that lets Web service providers publish their Web services for consumption.
These widgets are completely themable, and jQuery UI includes a wide range of themes that can be used to fit the components to your own particular Web site or Web application.
这些小部件都可以划分主题,并且jQueryUI包含各种各样的主题,可以适合您自己的特定Web站点或 Web应用程序的组件。
In this article you learned principles to use to determine whether your Web presence currently functions more like a Web site or a Web app.
You make a lot of decisions when you build an Ajax-enabled Web site or Web application.
在构建支持Ajax 的Web站点或 Web 应用程序时,要做出许多决策。
The Web Services Inspection Language provides this type of distributed discovery method, by specifying how to inspect a Web site for available Web services.
“WS-Inspction”提供此类分布式方法的方式是通过指定如何检查Web站点来获得可用 Web 服务。
If the Web site has many SSL-enabled Web pages, then use an external SSL acceleration device.
Ajax provides the technology that allows a Web site or Web-based application to communicate with the server without having to refresh the entire page.
The potential difficulties of metadata abuse are even larger on the Semantic Web: a Web site would no longer be restricted to making claims only about itself.
This article discusses what you need to know to make your Web site part of the Semantic Web.
The "Web Developer Toolbar for Firefox" (see Resources) is a great Firefox extension that lets you quickly inspect and modify a Web site or Web application.
“WebDeveloperToolbar forFirefox”(参见参考资料)是一个很棒的Firefox扩展,让您可以迅速检查和修改Web站点或Web应用程序。
The result of the reduce process is the total number of accesses per URL for a given Web site based on the Web server logs.
reduce过程的结果是基于Web服务器日志的给定 Web站点的每次URL访问的总数。
Possibility to make one Web site appear to be another Web site.
This code basically passes the user ID and password information of any user logging into the Web site along to the Web site of the attacker.
A dynamic Web site, unlike a static Web site, can give the Web site owner the ability to simply update and add new content to the site.
Following the steps outlined in this article, the technical audience converts a sample static Web site to a dynamic Web site using Rational Application Developer.
遵照本文介绍的步骤,技术读者可以利用RationalApplication Developer将示例的静态Web站点转换为动态web站点。
Regardless of how your Web site and Web team are organized, they are divided into groups, and those are what cause the problems. Depending on your site, you might have some or all of these problems.
Regardless of how your Web site and Web team are organized, they are divided into groups, and those are what cause the problems. Depending on your site, you might have some or all of these problems.