This job could be done equally well by a computer.
You've done a wonderful job. Well done!
Well, guys, you have done a good job.
"That's what it's all about! Neighbors are helping neighbors. Job well done!" one user wrote.
When children finish a chore, they will not only take pride in a job well done but also have confidence in their ability to do things well.
Just as you may reward your children when they do their chores with stickers on a chart or a weekly allowance, you deserve a treat when you get your job done as well.
If the answer is "yes", the job has been done - regardless of whether the right thing was built, built well, or built to satisfy the business goals of the customer.
When your boss congratulates you on a job well done, don't mention that you had a lot of help.
Not only will your clients and colleagues be pleased with your work ethic when you do what you say, but your own life will reflect the satisfaction of a job well done.
You might feel awkward at first, but it will pay off in the end when you've done your job well.
If you do a good job, you may tell yourself that it wasn't good enough or that anyone could have done as well.
Job well done, time to go home.
It is also a good practice to keep a folder of references and commendations for a job well done that you augment throughout your career.
Any job can be done well, done with compassion, done with care.
Victoria: I think we can congratulate ourselves on a job well done.
The most important part of the process is satisfying the requirements: When you can do what you set out to do, your job might well be done.
The energetic growth and technological advance of the western economies suggest that our financial system has done this job pretty well over long periods.
In the real world, that counts as a job well done.
Build self-esteem. This doesn't mean unmerited praise, but it does mean expressing support for a job well done.
Well, to be honest, I think you could have done a better job. It was a little dry.
Thank them for a job well done.
There was nothing special about the central bank performing this role. The same job could have been done by a well-staffed economics think tank with the authority to talk about the overnight rate.
Even though you've done a great job of collecting data and measuring several properties of the project, you didn't collect any data on how well the process was followed.
I commend them on a job well done, but expect bigger things in future iterations.
You could receive recognition for a job well done.
The same job could have been done by a well-staffed economics think tank with the authority to talk about the overnight rate.
I should be the source of my own sense of satisfaction, of happiness; I should know that I've done a job well and not depend on someone else's opinion.
When Crowley had watched the first thirty mile long tailback he'd experienced the lovely warm feeling of a bad job well done.
I should know that I've done a job well and not depend on someone else's opinion.
I should know that I've done a job well and not depend on someone else's opinion.