It constructs a method for calculating formation pressure using earlier well test data according to long shut-in pressure restore data.
Using Lasels analysis method of afterflow for reference, pressure build up curve of shut in well is linearized and rheological parameter is calculated.
However, the water hammer pressure produced upon well shut-in will possibly exert over-high pressure on BOP, and the weak points in the well are subject to being fractured.
The surge pressure of overflow well shut-in impacts whether well can be shut down and the choice of well shut-in modes.
The ram BOP is the most important equipment for secondary well control, quick to shut in the well, and of a high pressure rating.
For well control equipment such as the bop, well control such as the blowout and collect processing technology such as shut-in and pressure well method make a brief discussion.
It could tell us that the well is withholding the pressure, and we can actually shut the well in or just cap it, if you will.
The reservoir pressure of a developed oilfield can be determined not only by shut-in buildup curve for a producing well, but also by shut-in falloff curve of injecting water well.
The reservoir pressure of a developed oilfield can be determined not only by shut-in buildup curve for a producing well, but also by shut-in falloff curve of injecting water well.