Today, I was in a really bad mood when a young girl came into my office sporting the most genuine smile I'd seen in a long while.
I opened it, and I got the shock of my life when I saw a young black girl huddled in the corner, shivering like she was freezing, and bleeding all over the floor!
When I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was traveling.
One day, when I was walking down Main Street, I saw a young man came rushing out of a roadside bar, bumping into a passing-by young girl who was riding a bicycle and knocked her down.
When I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was travel, and I decided that the best way to do this was to become a fight attendant.
When I was a young girl I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Imogen in future.
I still remember when she was a pretty young girl.
I was quite a young girl when I first met Richard Weston.
When I was a young girl, I dreamed of being a scientist like Hua Imogen in future.
When I was a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Imogen in future.
And when she just began her journalist career she was a very beautiful young girl, I could not find her picture when she was young, which I saw in one of the websites oversea .
When I arrived in Scotland, I was a young girl of eighteen.
The memory of his father is only when I was 12 years old, like yesterday. 23 years, that little girl Yanggakdo are no longer young.
When I was a young girl, when my mother would tell me a bed time story I would beg her to make me a character in the story.
When I was very young I remember that we had this crazy mutt of a dog named "Black Girl," a mix of Wolf and retriever.
When you were a such such young boy, I was a little girl.
A Memory Of My Childhood When I was a young girl, I liked going to the Xihai Park very much.
It seems to me that many actions of my life were beautiful, very long ago, when I was young in an evanished world of friendly girls, who were all more lovely than any girl is nowadays.
You were in my dream when I was a young girl.
She really took offense at what you said. ---I didn't mean to offend her. I was simply making a tongue-in-cheek remark when i said that it was too elaborate for a girl of her young, tender age.
She really took offense at what you said. ---I didn't mean to offend her. I was simply making a tongue-in-cheek remark when i said that it was too elaborate for a girl of her young, tender age.