Like his illustrious ancestor, he likes to travel, when time allows him.
If you join package Tours, it's worth attending their pre-trip briefing sessions when time allows.
It actually takes more than a full day to make each engine, which is why I only make small batches and only when time allows.
Getting involved in a community project when time allows, so that the can refine your skills as well as teach your native language.
If time allows, I'd like to go to the movies with you when I come back.
When traveling with family or friends, make sure that the accommodation you select allows you to spend quality time together.
It allows you to reply swiftly to a host of different questions when time is short.
This tool for Firefox allows you to save these tidbits for later when you have more time and to store them in an easy-to-find-and-manage menu in your browser.
When you forget something, it allows you to relearn, and do so effectively, the next time you see it.
Kornell. "When you forget something, it allows you to relearn, and do so effectively, the next time you see it."
This allows you to quickly isolate the problem components and it also allows you to isolate problems early in the lifecycle (when there is still time to fix them).
This standardization allows for the development of best practices and reduces the ramp-up time when a new developer is hired.
The advanced search capability allows for discovering a service development time and run time information in a registry even when the service exact name is not known.
When he allows himself a little free time, he reads books, journal articles and the like to improve himself.
In other words, this group of tags allows the page author to explicitly set the locale and time zone that the other FMT tags will use when formatting data.
It allows you to dramatically reduce the time spent waiting for apps to redeploy when working with tc Server.
在使用tc Server时,它可以在很大程度上减少等待应用重新部署的时间。
During the same time period when blogs were emerging, Ward Cunningham invented a technology that allows anybody to contribute to a Web page through simple editing.
When the user clicks a CryptoAPI or Generic RSA signature button for the first time, an ActiveX control is installed that allows access to the Internet Explorer/CryptoAPI store.
当用户第一次单击CryptoAPIorGenericRSAsignature按钮时,会安装一个ActiveX 控件,它提供对InternetExplorer/CryptoAPI 存储的访问。
For instance, a door-opening sensor and lighting sensor allows the refrigerator to learn the time periods when the family typically doesn't use – when they're sleeping or away from home.
Computer implementations show that this new method reduces symbolic circuit analysis time and allows larger circuits to be analyzed when an error criterion is specified.
Selection of part of a wave on account of time or magnitude. Operation of a circuit when one wave allows another to pass during specific intervals.
It allows users to set a countdown that notifies them when their time is up.
Of course, we are unable to sleep in wherever we are and whenever we want to, rather, we need to find time, that is, when work allows us to do so.
Allows you to choose your own favorite Internet network, and each time you visit when they will open your own web navigation.
The increase in risk taking allows him to make maximum gains at a time when risk taking is most likely to pay off.
This control allows you to specify a time interval between when the stimulus generation starts and when the measurement actually begins.
When summer comes and muggy summer night, smell the smell right time allows us to cheer.
When this feature is activated, the palette-trays behave similarly to the familiar pull-down menu, which allows access to one single menu at a time.
When this feature is activated, the palette-trays behave similarly to the familiar pull-down menu, which allows access to one single menu at a time.