The main difference is that you participate in a lesson whereas you just listen to a lecture.
I hate, whereas you merely dislike, him.
Whereas you actually do very little work, your day is only ever about work.
Some of your friends may be getting curves, whereas you don't have any yet.
You've control over that whereas you may not control over the trolley car.
And that as such, no evil has power over you, whereas you have all power for good.
He does it in a crude, brutal way, whereas you and others are more subtle and cunning about it, that is all.
Whereas you have been led to believe otherwise, NASA has removed traces of their existence from photographs and film.
You can attach multiple unique constraints to a table, whereas you can attach only one primary key constraint to a table.
You mentioned that you love your DVD player, but you haven't personified it yet, whereas your dog, you have personified it.
The advantage is that it is simple to expose the data, whereas you need to have a proper mechanism for sending large sets of data over web services.
Whereas you have kept covenant with us, and have continued in our friendship, and have not joined with our enemies, we have heard of it, and are glad.
The difference between attributes and properties is that you can't use properties in markup, whereas you can use attributes in both markup and script.
You can attach unique constraints to columns that allow null values, whereas you can attach primary key constraints only to columns that do not allow null values.
I'm not talking about 'relative stupidity', in which the other students in the class actually read the material, think about it and ace the exam, whereas you don't.
You have been in it for so long that you have come to accept it as normal, whereas you should have progressed far beyond such controlling and denial of all the necessities of life.
For so long the dark Ones have kept you in a position of believing that you depended on them for your existence, whereas you have recently discovered the power to determine your own future.
Whereas now, as I near the end of my fourth decade, I realize work can be fully functional and entirely fulfilling without needing to be best mates with the people sitting next to you.
Certain flavor compounds give you a nice caramel flavor, whereas others give you a burnt or bitter taste.
Waving can mean welcome and farewell, whereas scratching your head may indicate that you are at a loss.
How do you explain that in Boulder, Colo., the average cost of medicare treatment is $9,103, whereas an hour away in Fort Collins, Colo., the cost is $6,448?
Whereas if you just sit there and think about home, feeling sorry for yourself, then time can really drag.
Whereas when reading, you are actively reading words and then converting them into visual information or meaning.
If you're burned out and you get a long enough vacation, you revive, whereas depressed people do not.
Whereas if you have a nice, tidy and organized workspace, you’ll be inspired to get work done.
Whereas someone who wants to do you harm will probably do it again.
When you are influential, somebody always fusses around you, whereas when you are dismissed or don't have powers, he stays far away from you.
When you are influential, somebody always fusses around you, whereas when you are dismissed or don't have powers, he stays far away from you.