He likes alcohol, but only drinks white spirits.
Life is the clear and transparent white spirits, which seems pure at the first glance, but actually is turbid.
At fist, they think it is good and beneficial for them; however, the white spirits is so strong that the people only find that they are held into a wine glass or a bottle when they realize at last.
All across town, stores sell Moutai's distinctive white bottle, and chemical vendors shamelessly hawk additives that can turn run-of-the-mill homemade spirits into liquid gold.
Once upon a time on E-Mei mountain there lived two snake spirits, White snake and Green snake.
Some of us may have some Paperwhite Narcissus bulbs in bloom and their highly scented white flower clusters can lift the spirits.
Dragon white tiger palm Quartet, Suzaku Xuanwu Shun Yin and Yang, the four spiritual sacred black dragon, white tiger, Suzaku, basaltic days, four spirits.
Long long ago, there were two snake spirits, White snake and Green snake.
San Francisco World Spirits Competition: Best Unaged White Spirit, Best Pisco and Double Gold Medal.
As the sun rises, she throws the dagger into the sea and feels her body being swept into the waves. She then finds herself surrounded by beautiful beings in white - the spirits of the air.
It's usual to wear something red as this colour is meant to ward off evil spirits - but black and white are out, as these are associated with mourning.
These black-and-white picture, " head start" to form the culture of wall space, has enriched the creative spirits.
UNLIMITED regular spirits, beer - including a selection of cocktails, house-pour wine (Red, White &Rosé), Bottled Water, Soft Drinks, Pre-packed juices, Tea, Coffee.
It's usual to wear something red as this colour is meant to ward off evil spirits - but black and white are out, as these are associated with mourning.
Cooling sage and strengthening white tea create a blissful formula that clears away anxieties and lifts the spirits.
Cooling sage and strengthening white tea create a blissful formula that clears away anxieties and lifts the spirits.