People who suffer from allergies can sometimes be given injections to help desensitize them.
You can look at the process table listing to determine who might be using a given file.
The data can be useful in diagnosing problems, and it can be sent to application owners and support teams who can make sense of a given situation.
Given the large number of agencies and initiatives working to improve health, not all of the major recent achievements can be directly attributed to WHO.
Given this powerful effect, parents who are trying to lose weight should be aware of how their dieting habits can influence a child's perceptions about food and healthful eating.
Features can be used to communicate requirements between individuals who are familiar with a given domain.
It's a given that self-denial can be frustrating. But who knew it could make me prefer to watch Fight Club again.
Using ACL gives more control on who can and cannot access or execute a file or directory; that is determined by the extended permissions that can be given to a file on a user or group basis.
WHO recommends that wherever possible, medicines for children should be provided as flexible, solid, oral dosage forms that can be administered in a liquid when it is given to the sick child.
Again, any user can execute the code written to create an instance of a Bid class, but only a user who owns that instance will be given permission to modify it.
Dreams for jobs can be given also to the movie industry in watching shows about those who have high ranking positions of authority or are extremely successful.
For any given potential pandemic virus, we can actually now say... this is the age group that you can expect is going to end up in hospital dying and this is the age group who will be protected.
Unfortunately, not all of these patients are able to have someone who can give subcutaneous injections and these drugs can only be given either intravenously or subcutaneously.
The importance of love, to some extent, can be interpreted according to a similar logic-love is more precious when it is given to those who are in difficulties and adversities.
Your ideal partner must therefore be someone who can easily spot when you must be given this time to yourself and when it is important for you to be supported.
How can happiness be given by such a man who doesn't even know to express regrets?
First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.
First_aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.
If it's still increasing, you can refer to some doctor who treating your kidney disease and maybe the medicine catopril should be stopped given for a while.
If it's still increasing, you can refer to some doctor who treating your kidney disease and maybe the medicine catopril should be stopped given for a while.