Adriel's father, Kenney Arocha, who is part Apache Indian, says that he considers his hair sacred - not to be cut except during major life events, such as the death of a loved one.
When quizzed as to why he cut off his famous blond hair, Robert - who is dating his 'Twilight' co-star Kristen Stewart - claimed it was due to an infestation of head lice.
They expect their parents to be totally supportive of their changes — maybe the kid who used to only eat burgers has gone vegan, or cut off all her hair.
A woman who is now working as a male model has released a video of the life-changing moment when she had her hair cut off.
But to those who are used to maintaining long hair cut should once in a while by visiting the parlor to trim the hair down.
"Who will cut your hair?" she asked.
If we don't admire a person who is wearing a beard, long hair, and sandals, we must ask whether we would prefer to see Christ pictured with his shoes shined, his hair cut short, and clean-shaven.
If we don't admire a person who is wearing a beard, long hair, and sandals, we must ask whether we would prefer to see Christ pictured with his shoes shined, his hair cut short, and clean-shaven.