If cycling each day can make you healthier, why not commit yourself to it and have a better life?
It is also the reason why when we try to describe music with words, all we can do is articulate our reactions to it, and not grasp music itself.
If it can reduce bleeding in the operating room, doctors wondered, why not in the emergency room?
If India can have any technology it wants, Iran asks, why not us?
If you can get that level of depth of field for that cheap in order to single out your subjects in your photos, why not go for it?
I can think of so many reasons why you should love yourself, but here's just one: It is incredibly dull and uninspiring to be around people who do not love themselves.
But what is liquidity, why does it suddenly evaporate and what can central Banks and regulators do to ensure that its ebb and flow does not destabilise economies?
So, we can think about why is it that these are not equal.
Let's take a closer look at the reasons why classic 4gl tools have not been well suited for cloud-based applications and what can be done about it.
BabelFish can translate more than 25 languages. Why not let it make your life easier?
I know it can be hard, but you will ultimately die, so why not make the best of your life?
Why not plan a trip to another country, and make it your goal to learn enough of the language before going, so that you can communicate and really enjoy your stay?
You can show that if you put a detector on either slit the wave probability function changes but that not explaining why it happens, its just saying this is the way it does happen.
In flames: I don't really know how to do this safely, but if you can figure it out, why not write them a message in flames?
I can talk for hours about why it is important to forget about your work while you are resting, but deep down you do not need any convincing.
While it can be helpful to explain why you were let go over others whose jobs were not eliminated, save those details for the interview and use the cover letter to describe your strengths.
That may be one reason why the momentum effect has not been arbitraged away: it can go horribly wrong.
Now of course there is much more that can be done in this TAB of the preferences window. So why not take advantage while you have it open?
Cameron, yet again, has set a new high-bar, for not only what can be done on the movie screen but also why it should be done.
However, if your Plan B is something you’re passionate about and you feel you can do it better than most and make a living at it, why not give it all you’ve got?
Why not build the same HTML documentation available on corporate intranets and distribute it to developers in the form of help that can be accessed easily from the IDE, indexed, and searched?
Yes... When you think about getting there, and it can be very expensive and time-consuming, why not camp out in your own back yard?
If you can afford it, why not pack your bags and set off on another experience - a "gap year" - to discover the world and learn about yourself in the process?
That it does not perhaps explains a bit of why the ministry's credit rating can be so high.
If you think about each of them - grip, stance, posture, and alignment - you can imagine why it was that I did not hit too many golf balls in that first lesson.
In an odd number division, it does not retain the decimal part; this is why it can be used to test for an odd number.
I do not know why they come up with this point, but do you think we can really throw light upon it?
It is as if she can talk, but does not see why she should.
It is as if she can talk, but does not see why she should.