However, as to whether it is a blessing or a curse, people take different opinions towards it with the widespread use of the Internet.
With the widespread use of the Internet, the network community gradually shows enormous commercial values, and evolutes to be a virtual brand community.
The startling figure shows how interconnected our world is becoming and how widespread use of the internet is collapsing physical distance on an unprecedented scale.
It didn't help that the most widespread use of VRML appeared to be virtual shopping malls, which combined the risk of Internet purchasing with nearly all the inconvenience of visiting a real mall.
With the widespread use of databases and Internet, the scale of data grows explosively.
Thee widespread use of "kong" by Chinese people when discussing control of the internet, media and society was not mentioned in the official reports.
The creation and widespread use of Internet is changing human communication methods, which results in the appearance of a new communicative method-Internet communication.
The creation and widespread use of Internet is changing human communication methods, which results in the appearance of a new communicative method-Internet communication.