After five minutes of looking through all the KVM slots, he finds a Windows nt server running as the Backup Domain Controller for the Domain.
花5分钟查看所有KV m槽后,他发现Windows nt服务器是作为域的备份域控制器(Backup Domain Controller)运行的。
It discusses vital security bugs on the Explorer in Windows NT and security bugs on Windows NT server and workstations, and proposes solutions to these bugs.
讨论了Windows NT系统上浏览器和NT服务器及工作站的安全漏洞,并提出了改进措施与对策。
In Windows NT 4, the video, server, and printer spooler subsystems were moved into kernel mode.
在Windows NT4 中,视频、服务器和打印机后台处理程序子系统被移动到内核模式。
In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at a performance analysis of Domino Web server resource utilization on Windows NT.
在本文中,我们将深入了解Windows NT上DominoWeb服务器资源利用率的性能分析。
As a member of the nt line, Windows 2000 added Windows 98's Web integration to a stable, relatively secure OS designed for workstation and server environments.
作为NT产品线的一员,Windows 2000把Windows 98的Web集成界面添加到专为工作站和服务器环境而设计的、稳定的、相对安全的操作系统中。
As a member of the nt line, Windows 2000 added Windows 98's Web integration to a stable, relatively secure OS designed for workstation and server environments.
作为NT产品线的一员,Windows 2000把Windows 98的Web集成界面添加到专为工作站和服务器环境而设计的、稳定的、相对安全的操作系统中。