Plaintiff' s winning rate is low and the administrative reconsideration procedure is rarely started.
While improving the winning rate of the bid, this result also guarantee that there are better profits.
The results showed that home advantage existed in the matches of Chinese soccer league A and had important influence on winning rate.
Abstract: Based on the actuality of current road & bridge project bid works, centered on improving bid quotation level of it, discusses how to raise bid winning rate and economic effect.
If your work is winning awards and it feels like you win most pitches - leave and go somewhere where no one has won anything and there is a low rate of success at pitches.
You do not know the rate of winning back your money but you cannot resist the lure of having a try, which is, almost surely, disastrous.
Based on the current algorithms, the new one had improved the learning rate factor and the winning neuron algorithm.
To recover the remainder coal in the side slope walls of surface mine by use of underground coal winning method can increase coal recovery rate and mine economic effect.
With the carrying out of the 11-point scoring system in table tennis, the rate of occasional winning and losing increases.
On the academic side, the panel will include Nobel Prize winning economist Robert Mundell, sometimes called "father of the euro" for his influential work on optimal exchange rate areas.
参加小组讨论的学术界人士包括诺贝尔经济学奖获得者蒙代尔(Robert Mundell),他由于其在最理想汇率领域有影响力的研究工作,有时被称做“欧元之父”。
On the academic side, the panel will include Nobel Prize winning economist Robert Mundell, sometimes called "father of the euro" for his influential work on optimal exchange rate areas.
参加小组讨论的学术界人士包括诺贝尔经济学奖获得者蒙代尔(Robert Mundell),他由于其在最理想汇率领域有影响力的研究工作,有时被称做“欧元之父”。