The company looked at each other with a perplexed interest--and inquiringly at Huck, who was tongue-tied.
"The ways in which people want to interact with each other inside corporations is changing," said Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, speaking at the company \ 's MIX08 conference in Las Vegas on March 6.
“公司内人们相互沟通的方式正在发生变化,”微软公司首席执行官鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)在3月6日拉斯维加斯mix08会议上指出。
Stimulate interaction between segments of the company that traditionally don't connect or collaborate with each other.
As with networked markets, people are also talking to each other directly inside the company-and not just about rules and regulations, boardroom directives, bottom lines.
A leading greeting-card and gift company that we spoke with is one of many that have set up an online community -- a site where it can talk to consumers and the consumers can talk to each other.
Competing with an individual or company doesn't mean that they have to be your enemy, and it doesn't mean that you have to ignore each other.
With no water or electricity, and scant food, survivors keep each other company at one of three emergency shelters on the outskirts of what remains of the town.
没水、没电、缺少食物,在郊外的三所避难所里,灾民们互相照应。 “不能洗脸洗澡。”
In 2007 several of Comcast’s customers noticed that the company had slowed their access to “peer-to-peer” sites, which allow internet users to share large files directly with each other.
It we continue to compete with this domestic company, we'll end up hurting each other and failing. Why not explore the market overseas instead?
In order to better understand the security, the company must first know the difference between data privacy and data security, and should understand that the two can not be replaced with each other.
Tom ran out of doors. The company looked at each other with a perplexed interest — and inquiringly at huck who was tongue-tied.
The related personnel in the company can communicate with each other.
How long I will stay with the company depends on whether the company and I are satisfied with each other.
They had brought a bottle with them, and their only concern at the moment was to relax in the company of each other and the bottle.
They complement each other with their skills, and work together to achieve a common goal of building a successful company.
Working together with each other to learn this business. And working with the company to help you achieve whatever goals you have for your business - big or small.
Maybe you meet with each at the end of two roads, you keep each other for company and then say goodbye at the next intersaction.
If we are one with each other and with nature, our responsibilities do not end with ourselves, our family, our country and our company; they encompass the human community and the biosphere.
He said good-bye at last to the girlfriend, graduated and let them part company with each other.
He said good-bye at last to the girlfriend, graduated and let them part company with each other.