Mr Obama is preparing to undo much of the Bush legacy, starting with guantanamo Bay.
Friday will see one of Mr Obama's election promises broken with the expiration of his self-imposed deadline for the closing of guantanamo Bay.
He has not yet fulfilled his promise to close the prison at guantanamo Bay because he does not know what to do with the remaining inmates.
Those orders will deal with closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay, new rules on torture, and the handling of detainees, said the aide.
Employ Guantanamo-Bay methods of interrogation to find out everything about every person they've ever dated or kissed or gone to the movies with or had an unrequited crush on.
If you sail due south from guantanamo bay Cuba you will eventually come to a tiny tear-shaped island with no beaches no water and no human beings.
His name will be forever associated with bloody bungling in Iraq, the blatant injustice of guantanamo bay, the corrosive stalemate in the Middle East and, alas, much more.
His name will be forever associated with bloody bungling in Iraq, the blatant injustice of guantanamo bay, the corrosive stalemate in the Middle East and, alas, much more.