He's crossed the Rubicon with regard to the use of military force as an option.
Furthermore, the birds orient themselves carefully with regard to the Sun and gently flap their wings to increase convection cooling.
However, such issues would be better addressed by changing school and state policies with regard to the scheduling of sporting events as opposed to outright elimination.
With regard to the well itself, things are in flux.
So there's a kind of wedge shape with regard to the instruments too.
Liability with regard to the health effects of tobacco consumption.
These latter are based on the position of our earth with regard to the sun.
With regard to the modes of prayer, all are good, provided that they are sincere.
There is one exception to the rule with regard to the request scope of the service.
Yet policymakers are today in a similar position with regard to the financial system.
But when the same question arose with regard to the baby, it had a very different colour.
With regard to the CD's future work, we wish to make the following proposals of principle.
With regard to the problem of the exchange rate of RMB, we have clarified our views on several occasions.
One function of the Controller object is to keep the model agnostic with regard to the view technology.
The people at Facbook are taking things up a notch with regard to the popular social network’s communications system.
Three ideas are important here with regard to the abstract nature of a model and the detailed implementation it represents.
Every region has its success stories and its problem children with regard to the plant varieties installed in a project.
There is structure in the relationships of the data, but the data is not structured with regard to the meaning of that data.
Okay, in the Mozart there were violins, so acoustical instruments as opposed to synthetic sound with regard to the pop music.
Are there sufficient and effective processes put in place to address the following with regard to the current operational environment?
Therefore, in general, whenever a user performs a jump, they should check the validity with regard to the business logic of the process.
But what sets it apart is further responsibility to research into upcoming technological trends with regard to the organization's growth.
The technical underpinnings are being redesigned to be neutral with regard to the programming language and the graphical toolkit supported.
"I cannot boast of much success in acquiring the reality of this virtue, but I had a good deal with regard to the appearance of it," he wrote.
"I cannot boast of much success in acquiring the reality of this virtue, but I had a good deal with regard to the appearance of it," he wrote.