It starts with requirements management, decomposition and allocation.
Multiple iterations in the Construction phase also helped with requirements management.
Software testing must be integrated with the other parts of software development, especially disciplines such as requirements management and change management.
The result is better communication and management of requirements with the increased likelihood of completing projects on time, within budget, and according to expectations.
Depending on business requirements, the timesheet application could be seen in light of an organizational payroll process or in combination with a cost-breakdown-structure for product management.
This article will demonstrate how to quickly get started with scripts that can be used to customize this requirements management tool.
The value of Integrated use case Management is that it seamlessly integrates USES cases with your requirements information.
Companies considering deploying unified threat management (UTM) technology have various offerings and approaches to consider, with many different products to address specific network requirements.
As an example, Scrum only covers project and requirements management aspects and needs to be integrated with other processes such as XP and Agile Modeling to address the full lifecycle.
Integrated use Case Management provides requirements managers more accurate and timely information to work with because that information is available from the Rose users' fingertips.
RequisitePro is a requirements management tool that integrates with other architecture management tools.
Informix Dynamic server (IDS), a relational database server from the IBM Information Management products portfolio, meets these requirements with its copious feature set.
InformixDynamicServer (IDS)是IBMInformationManagement产品组合中的一种关系数据库服务器,它具有丰富的特性,可以满足这些需求。
As shown in Figure 4, the use-case project template creates a requirements management plan document, as well as seven packages with additional documents and views.
The RequisitePro QuickStart is a fixed-price, off-the-shelf service product to deploy requirements management with RequisitePro to your team.
Integrated use case management enhances Rational Rose use-case modeling with powerful requirements management capabilities.
This migration effort took place in the context of a requirements management workshop with a client that used Microsoft Word for requirements management.
Realizing the risks associated with moving from paper and spreadsheets to a semi-automated asset management system, ASDI decided to sole-source their it requirements to Lookoff.
It provides bidirectional synchronization of requirements with Rational DOORS and integration with other requirements management and capture tools.
The flexible management model introduced in V7 addresses these scalability requirements with the introduction of the job manager.
This integration begins with project requirements traced through application design, functionality testing, defect tracking, and change management.
Along with the Suggestions here, it's wisest to read introductions to the topics of configuration management, requirements analysis, test, system administration, and user interfaces.
ADM requirements management deals with all kinds of requirements, including most notably business drivers, concerns, and new functionality and change requests.
User management, Process management, File Management, Software package management, and other basic automation requirements are better handled with scripting than with monotonous manual effort.
Furthermore, an important reason to introduce modern software engineering applications, such as a requirements management system, is to cope with the changes.
Commercial Banks should provide financial accounting data, business contracts and other information about its business and management in accordance with the requirements of the People's bank of China.
Defining manageability requirements up front along with other architectural quality attributes provides an interesting opportunity: Management facilities can be decoupled from other Web 2.0 artifacts.
提前定义可管理性需求以及其他体系结构的质量属性,这样可以使管理功能与其他Web 2.0构件解耦。
Scope Management - view and work with change requests, risks, issues, defects and requirements
范围管理(Scope Management)——查看并处理变更请求、风险、问题、缺陷以及需求。
Scope Management - view and work with change requests, risks, issues, defects and requirements
范围管理(Scope Management)——查看并处理变更请求、风险、问题、缺陷以及需求。