Not so, it seems, to judge by a study published last year by Sarah Das, of Woods Hole.
But experts at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in Massachusetts say this is incorrect.
Marine geophysicist Jian Lin of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts agrees.
Dr Shimomura, who worked at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, isolated this protein in 1962.
DrShimomura1962年在麻省Woods Hole海洋生物学实验室工作时分离得到了这种蛋白。
Sea gliders were conceived in the 1980s by Douglas Webb, a former researcher at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Baleen whales have been tracked by autonomous gliders before, by researchers at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts.
马萨诸塞州的Woods Hole Oceanographic研究的研究员们以前是用自主滑翔器来跟踪须鲸。
"It's incredibly valuable," said Laela Sayigh, a research specialist in dolphin communication at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.
The Woods Hole study found that many Marine animals like mollusks and corals that build hard shells and skeletons are most at risk from this.
A new study from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts shows that ocean acidification is becoming a very serious problem.
However, for nearly a decade, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution successfully used that HP workhorse to record data under harsh sea conditions.
但是在将近十年的时间里,Woods Hole海洋学研究中心一直在使用惠普的这款产品,其一直成功的在恶劣的海洋条件中记录数据。
The first of these vents was discovered in 1977 on the Galapagos ridge by scientists in the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's submersible, Alvin.
The craft that is steadily plodding between the Virgin Islands is being operated by a team from Woods Hole and the Webb Research Corporation, founded by Mr Webb.
He recently co-authored a study with the U. S. -based Woods Hole Research Center. The study identified strategies for ending deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon.
For a few years she would teach zoology at the University of Maryland, continuing her studies in the summer at the Marine Biological Laboratories in Woods Hole, Mass.
Another group, led by Andrew Solow of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, used a different statistical approach, but also concluded that the bird is likely to be extinct.
ASA also worked with scientists at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Massachussetts) to deploy state-of-the-art plankton imaging equipment to capture pictures of oil droplets in situ.
Tim Shank, the expedition's lead scientist from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, says the diversity of large animas found rivals anything in similar habitats anywhere in the world.
The crab research team will spend the next few months analyzing 120,000 images taken of the seafloor by the AUV, which was designed and operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
The crab research team will spend the next few months analyzing 120, 000 images taken of the seafloor by the AUV, which was designed and operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
EarthSky also spoke with oceanographer Breck Owens at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, whose team has released an underwater robot to directly measure currents in and around the oil spill.
The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution offered a graduate student course co-taught by scientists and journalists called "How Not to Write for Peer-Reviewed Journals: Talking to Everybody Else."
Indeed, in a science-fiction article written some 20 years ago the late Henry Stommel, an influential Woods Hole oceanographer, imagined fleets of Slocums cruising the sea to collect scientific data.
A little girl lost and alone follows a stag deep into the woods, and like Alice, down the rabbit hole, she finds herself in a strange world.
Tiger Woods tries long putt on the 18th hole, he started on the Back 9.
Spring is coming. A short winter squirrels happily come in tree holes drilled hole in the woods somersault jump up.
Tiger Woods hits off the tee on the seventh hole during the final round June 20.
Tiger Woods hits off the tee on the seventh hole during the final round June 20.