We have this understanding that nobody talks about work over lunch.
Rachel Whiteread was awarded the Turner prize for the best artistic work over the past year.
蕾切尔·怀特瑞德(Rachel Whiteread)在过去一年获得了特纳奖的最佳艺术作品奖。
But this is the result of dedicated work over a long period, particularly from the officers in charge of community development.
I'm happy to say, however, that the council have agreed to begin work over the next few months to put in a new roundabout.
As VOA's Gill Butler reports from London, Ms. Whiteread also won the first K prize for the worst artistic work over the past year.
The result, once natural selection had done its work over the course of millions of years, was the now familiar cast of Allosaurus and Tyrannosaurus rex.
They responded to survey questions about their depression and work over a week's time.
They have designed their own motherboards, they use their own networking solutions, dispatching mechanisms to distribute work over hundreds of thousands or even millions of machines across the world.
I want to get married, I want to marry men of a stable temperament, our respective to and from work, over the lives of nine to five.
My father was out of work over six weeks. Good thing we had a garden.
The main benefit of GSSAPI is that a secure application developed using GSSAPI can work over different security mechanisms without modification.
How many of us often prioritize work over family?
Would we be happier if we chose hard work over instant gratification?
SOAP messages are XML documents that may work over HTTP.
Abundant work over the past four decades has begun to show that self-organisation plays a role along with natural selection in the order in biology.
With more species of grazers at work, over time, algae were cleared off more efficiently and grazers increased in number, Duffy says.
What's been the effect of the Web on the Performance Team's work over the most recent 12 months?
He always does his work over and over until it is perfect.
Edit your work, over and over.
The repeaters on the list, for their part, have done plenty of good work over the past year.
Not just one that will satisfy one process or one LOB, but something that can work over time.
The OSI model describes the features necessary to have an application work over a network and breaks down the features into a series of layers.
The WCS credits the Cameroon Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife and the French Development Agency for their work over the past three years to help protect gorillas.
All these things are the results of patient work over many years.
Berkshire Hathaway has put a lot of its cash to work over the past two years.
However, we all use this technology every day, whenever we bank online, shop online, or connect to work over the Internet.
Work over the past 15 years or so has shown that people think the environment is worse the further away it is from them.
Thus, a secure application developed using GSS-API can work over different security mechanisms without changes to the application.
因此,用GSS - API开发的安全应用程序可以在不同的安全机制上运行,不用改变应用程序。
He then went on to say that you can expect to work over 70 hour work weeks to get the product out the door.
He then went on to say that you can expect to work over 70 hour work weeks to get the product out the door.