If we're not engaged as much in our normal work or school, we have extra time to call parents and grandparents.
Police warned motorists to allow extra time to get to work.
After six months, the employees who participated in ROWE reported reduced work-family conflict and a better sense of control of their time, and they were getting a full hour of extra sleep each night.
It may take a little extra work, but remember, you're getting paid for your time with significant savings!
So why not leverage all of that extra time that you have on your hands and work?
You can use the extra time to work on your career, volunteer in your community, or take classes for job advancement or just for personal enrichment.
Anyone who wants time to think and feel their way into a career, might want the extra flexibility of a two-year programme and the extra opportunities to work with companies in different sectors.
While most stepfamilies are able to gradually build relationships and work out their problems over time, some families need extra help.
He did his work in the same slow obstinate way as he had done it in Jones's time, never shirking and never volunteering for extra work either.
After getting the Total Balance Time and the Total Extra-plan Time, we can judge the status of this work item by doing the five steps defined above.
在您得到总平衡时间以及总extra - plan时间之后,我们就可以按照上面所定义的五步,来判断该工作项的状态。
If work item's state is New or In Progress, the work item status can be judged with Balance Time and Extra-plan.
如果工作项的状态是New或者InProgress,那么工作项状态可以使用平衡时间和Extra - plan来判断。
With respect to bottom level work items, their work item status is easily calculated by using the Balance Time and Extra-plan Time metrics, and the result can be displayed directly.
至于最底层的工作项,它们的工作项状态使用BalanceTime与Extra-plan Time工具来轻松计算的,而结果可以直接显示出来。
In the presentation phase of the detail row the work item's data is already obtained, so that the work item's Balance Time and Extra-plan Time can be calculated during presentation phase of the row.
在演示阶段工作项的数据已经获得了,这样工作项的BalanceTime与Extra - planTime可以在行的演示阶段得到计算。
Seeing this as an opportunity to possible earn some extra money, we exchanged number and he promised to call me the next week to talk about opportunities for some part-time work with his company.
Instead of doing remedial work, Refalo used the extra time to organize theater workshops, with an eye to encouraging his 10-year-old pupils to express themselves and to delve into literature.
One way is to put that extra thinking time to work - on the subject.
Afterwards, I would feel bad for having wasted so much time doing unproductive things, that I'd work extra hard, and usually late into the night.
I was spending AT LEAST an extra hour a day, re-checking my work because I felt like I was rushed and didn't spend enough time on it to do it right the first time.
The next time your partner talks to you, work extra hard at trying to understand her.
Consider allowing top performers to leave work early when necessary, have flexible working hours, earn time off from work, and have comp time for extra hours worked.
After about three months I returned to work in a job that didn't require the extra time.
Don't feel guilty for turning extra work down; it is important to give leisure time as high a priority as work.
There aren't any extra rooms in the house so there was no way to have time away from each other or to work on a project.
If you're spending eight hours a day in work - and extra time commuting back and forth - then you really want the rest of your time to count.
Then we work with the plaster and lath to construct the extra sections of wall; this takes a very long time.
If you have to spend extra hours at work to correct your mistake, don't expect to be paid for that time.
If you have to spend extra hours at work to correct your mistake, don't expect to be paid for that time.